Sunday, January 2, 2011

OOADM MCA Question Paper 1999

Gujarat University

MCA Semester V
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods

Date: 6th January, 1999              Marks:50

1.      Write both the sections in separate answer-books.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Assume the data wherever and whenever necessary.
4.      Use the right conventions and terminology.

Section I

Q-1 (a) How does scenario building is significant for dynamic modeling. What are relationship with events.
Give a case for preparing scenario for going to top floor of lift.    [6]
        (b) Draw the data-flow diagram for motor analysis.      [3]

Q-2  (a) Prepare a portion of an object diagram for a library book checkout system that shows the data a book is due and the late charges for an overdue book as derived objects.    [5]
        (b) Define following:     
                        (i) Workarounds   (ii) Metadata   (iii) Patterns      [3]                                                       


Q-2  (a) Prepare the class diagram and instance diagram for polygon consisting of FOUR points.              [4]

          (b) Define following:
                        (i) State           (ii) Event Trace           (iii) Sheet         (iv) Abstract class

Q-3 Attempt any Two:             [8]
(a)    Prepare a list of objects that you would expect each of the following systems to handle:
(i)                 a program for lying out a newspaper
(ii)               a telephone answering machine
(b)   Discuss what the objects in each of the following lists have in common:           
(i)                 Telescope, bomb, sighe, binoculars
(ii)               Pipe, check valve, filter, pressure gauge
(iii)             Bicycle, car, truck, airplane, motorcycle, horse
(iv)             Nail, screw, bolt, rivet
(c)    Explain the various phases of OMT methodology.

Section II

Q-4 (a) Discuss similarities and differences between data in storage and data in motion. Also give various kinds of common architectural frameworks.   [5]

        (b) Show the generalization as extension and restriction.   [4]

Q-5 (a) Compare the aggregation versus association.       [4]
       (b)  Draw and explain the state diagram of car transmission with generalization.     [4]


Q-5 (a) Compare functional and dynamic model for any of case study.    [4]
       (b) For following systems, identify the relative importance of the three aspects of modeling:    [4]
             (i) Object modeling     (ii) dynamic modeling  (iii) Functional modeling: 
             (a) Electronic typewriter
             (b) Spell Checker

Q-6 Attempt on any two:       [8]
(a)    Explain the various aspects of system design.
(b)   Impact of an object oriented approach.
(c)    Event generalization