Saturday, December 18, 2010

OOADM Sessional Exam Paper 2002


Time: 90 minutes.                                                                                                                  Marks:25

Q-1      Answer the following:
            a. Differentiate Object modeling, Dynamic modeling, and Functional modeling.                            6
            b. Describe basic elements of a class and their representation.                                                           2
            c. Define Homomorphism.                                                                                                                  1

Q-2      Give state transition diagram with actions and events for a typical scenario of a telephonic conversation starting from a caller lifting the phone to dial number till end of the conversation and disconnection of the line.                                                                                                                                         8


Q-2      Give an enhanced object model diagram of windowing system of a typical computer operating system software.                                                                                            

Q-3      Answer the following (any two)                                                                                                         8
a.       Describe key boards that every CORBA ORB provides
b.      What is IDL? How it is useful for a CORBA programmer?
c.       Give OMG’s Object Management architecure.