Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Computer Graphics - 1

Q-l  Attempt the followings:                                                                                                              [10]

1.     Which devices are used for data input on graphics workstations?
2.     What is scan conversion?
3.     What is the {unction of vedio controller in raster scan display?
4.     Which are the techniques used for producing color displays with a CRT?
5.     How refresh buffer and refresh display file differ?
6.     What is resolution? How much storage is required for VGA?
7.     How window and view-port differ?
8.     Why homogeneous co-ordinates are preferred for transformation in computer graphics?
9.    How pixel mask used in line drawing algorithm with attributes?
10.   How absolute and relative co-ordinates differ?

Q-2  Attempt any three:                                                                                                                     [12]
a.     What is Digital Differential Analyzer? How Buesenham's line drawing algorithm is more efficient
        than DDA? Write Bresenham's algorithm for the line with slope |M| >=1.
b.          Explain how parallel line drawing algorithms speed up the program? Explain in detail the various
techniques used to implement the same.
c.     Explain in detail the yx-scan approach for filling a polygon with proper diagram and data structure.
d.        Explain the winding number method and odd-even method for an inside test of a polygon. Also,
  indicate the interior and exterior regions for the polygon shown in FIG-1 using both the method.

Q-3 Attempt the following:                                                                                                                 [6]
a.          How much storage is required for the frame buffer with a resolution of 1024 X 1024, a full color
(24-bit per pixel) RGB system? How it can be reduced by using color lookup table?
b.          Prove that uniform scaling (Sx = Sy) and a rotation fonn a commutative pair of operations but that, in
general, scaling and rotation are not commutative operations.
c.          Explain with suitable example. How Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm is more efficient
for concave type of polygon than Sutherland-Hodgeman algo?

Q-4 Attempt any three:                                                                                                                       [9]
a.          Derive a transformation matrix for the reflection of an object relative to an axis perpendicular to the
xy-plane and passing through the pivot point.
b.     Derive a transformation matrix for general pivot point clockwise rotation.
  c.      Derive a transformation matrix for scaling in an arbitrary direction, to include coordinates for any
specified scaling fixed point.

d.         A triangle XYZ has coordinates X(2,1 ), Y(-1 ,-4), Z(0,5). The triangle is first translated by 2 in x-
direction and by I in y-direction, then rotated by 90 degree about point Z, then scaled by 3 in x-
direction, and finally rotated by 60 degree about the origin 0(0,0). Derive a 3x3 transformation matrix which performs the above operations. Using this matrix find the transformed coordinates of triangle XYZ.

Q-5  Attempt the following:                                                                                                              [9]
a.      Explain in detail Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl line clipping algorithm.
b.          A PQRS rectangle with diagonal points f (2,2) and R(4,4) is given. Using a rectangular WINDOW
with diagonal points (1,1) and (3,3), the Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm is allied on the rectangle PQRS. Explain the clipping procedure.
c.          Explain with suitable example how Laing-Barsky line clipping algorithm is more efficient than
Cohen-Sutherland algorithm?

Q-6  Attempt any two:                                                                                                                         [4]
a.            Find the normalized transformation that maps a window whose lower left comer is at ( 1,1 ) and
upper-right corner is at (3,3) on to a View port that is the entire normalized device screen.
b.     Explain in detail DVST.
c.     Explain in detail any one of the input device used for graphics workstation.