Friday, December 17, 2010

System Software 1999

Gujarat University

MCA Semester III
System Software

Date:4-1-1999                                                                                                                                                            Marks:50

1.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2.      Symbols used have their usual meaning.
3.      If necessary, make assumptions & state clearly.
4.      Answers to each section must be written in separate answer-book.

Section I

Q-1      Attempt the following:                    [3]

a)      What do you mean by system programming? Explain different types of system software in brief.
b)      As assembler designer is presented with the following two design alternatives:                         [3]
1.      Constitute a single OPTAB to contain entries for mnemonics of imperative, declarative and assembler directive statements of the assembly language.
2.      Constitute three different tables to contain mnemonics of:
i) imperatives   ii) declaratives and      iii) assembler
Which of the two alternatives would you recommend to the designer? Clearly justify your answer.
            c) Explain the major parts of Device- driver (Any two parts)          [4]

Q-2      Attempt the following:                                                                                                                      
a)      Discuss the problems encountered during the single pass assembly.        [6]
b)      Suppose an object module contains three programs A,B and C. If they are located at following addresses
Prog     Address                                [4]
A         200-250
B         302-370
C         480-533
                    Assume the load address is 300 for the executable A, B and C to be generated.
                    Find:        i) Load origin of each program
                                    ii) Relocation factor for each program
c)      Suppose ten users are using the UNIX system simultaneously. Discuss what happens when compiler is stored in a system library as either of following form:         [5]
i)                    As a non-relocatable program
ii)                  As a relocatable program
iii)                As a self relocating program


Q-2      Attempt the following:                                                                                  
a)      Draw flow-chart or state the algorithm of PASS-I of the assembler and explain it.    [9]
b)      Write the advantages of overlay technique.         [3]
c)      Explain following assembler directives:                [3]
i) ORIGIN                        ii) EQU           iii) EXTERN

Section II

Q-3      Attempt the following:                                                                                  
a)      In an assembly language program, a certain action is required at 10 places in the program. Under what conditions would you code this action as           [3]
i)                    A macro?
ii)                  A sub-routine?
b) Write the major difference of nested between top-down parsing and bottom-up parsing.           [3]
c) Explain the expansion of nested macro call with example.    [4]

Q-4      Attempt the following:                                                                                                          
            a) Discuss the lexical analysis & syntax analysis phase of a compiler.     [5]
            b) Write the differences between formal parameters, keyboard parameters and actual parameters.  [3]


Q-4      Attempt the following:
            Write a macro which takes A,B, C and D as a parameters and calculates D =A*(B+C). By using this macro  generate data structure for it.                                 [8]

Q-5      Attempt the following:                                              
            a) Write the classification of a grammar                                     [3]
            b) Explain the static and dynamic allocation with example.          [4]


Q-5      Attempt the following:     [7]
            Write advantages of block structured language. Explain allocation and access of local and non-local variable for a block structured language.