Friday, December 17, 2010

System Software 2001

Gujarat University

MCA Semester III
System Software

Date: 17th January, 2001                                                                                                                              Marks:50

1.      Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.
2.      Make necessary assumptions wherever necessary.

Section I

Q-1      Given the following program:                          [9]

                                    START            300
            ID1                  DS                   5
            L1                    MOVER         AREG, D
                                    ADD               AREG, C
                                    SUB                AREG, ID2
                                    MOVEM         AREG, ID1
            D                     EQU                ID2
            L2                    PRINT                        D

                                    ORIGIN         ID1-1
            C                     DC                  ‘9’
                                    ORIGIN         L2+1
            ID2                  DC                  ‘13’
                                    END                L1
            Show the contents of symbol table and intermediate code at the end of pass-i.

Q-2 a) Give general algorithm of bottom-up parsing. Also give the trace of the algorithm giving suitable examples.
       b) Compare and contrast recursive decent parsing with LL(1) parsing. What grammar forms are acceptable to each of these?                       [8]


Q-2 a) Describe the architecture of the Intel 8088.             [8]
       b) Given the following macro definition :
                                    CLEARMEN              &X, &N, &REG= AREG
                                    LCL                            &M
            &M                  SET                             0
                                    MOVER                     &REG, =’0’
            .MORE           MOVEM                     &REG, &X + &M
            &M                  SET                             &M +1
                                    AIF                             (&M NE N) . MORE
            Show the contents of the data structures deployed by the macro-processor for the call.
            CLEARMEN              AREA, 10
Q-3      Write short notes on the following (any two):             [8]
a)      Language processor development tools
b)      Hash table organization
c)      Debugger
d)     Grammar for language specification

Section II

Q-4 a) Describe the structure of an MS-DOS device driver.            [9]
       b) What is the difference between character-device driver and block-device driver.

Q-5 a) Describe the compilation of the expression giving suitable examples.          [8]
       b) Compare and contrast the following parameter passing mechanisms in terms of execution efficiency and power to produce side effects:                                  
i)                    call by value result
ii)                  call by reference
iii)                call by name


Q-5 a) What do you understand by code optimization? How can control and data flow analysis can help in global optimization.            [8]
       b) Explain the structure of the stack structured symbol table.               

Q-6 a) What are Translated origin, linked origin and Load origin? Explain. Explain the relocation and linking
requirements in segmented addressing.          [8]


Q-6 a) Give general algorithm for linking.                 [8]
       b) Compare and contrast the following:
i)                    Absolute loaders
ii)                  Relocating loaders
iii)                Direct linking loaders