Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fundamentals of Programming FOP 1999 ATKT

Gujarat University

MCA Semester I

Date: 7h August,1999                              Marks: 50

Section I

Q-1      a. Describe the various data types available in C.                                                                               9

            b. What is a variable? Hoe does an array variable differ from an ordinary variable?
            c. Summarize the syntactic rules associated with for statement.
            d. What is the purpose of the break statement? Suppose a break statement is included within the
innermost of several nested control statements. What happens when the break statement is executed.
e. When passing an argument to a function, what is the difference between passing by value and
    passing by reference? To what types of arguments does each apply?
f. Distinguish between global and extern variables.

Q-2      a. Determine the value of each of the following logical expression  if a=5, b=10 , c=-6                   8
i.  a>b && a<c
ii. a==c || b>a
iii.b>15 && c<0 || a>0
iv. (a/2.0 == 0.0 && b/2.0 != 0.0) || c<0.0
b. Describe the output generated by the following program:
                        int a, count;
                        int f1(int count);
                        for (count=1; count<=4; ++count)
                        a = f1(count);
                        printf(“%d”, a);
            f1(int x)
            static int y =0;
            return (y);


Q-2      a. Write difference between while and do-while loops, with example.                                             8
            b. What will be the outcome of the following:
                                    int I,j, x=0;
                                    for (I=0; I<5; ++I)
                                                for (j=0; j<I; ++j)
                                                x += (I +j-1);
                                                printf(“%d”, x);
                                    printf(“\nx = %d”, x);

Q-3      a. Explain static array with example.                                                                                                  8
b. Write a complete ‘C’ program to read marks of 5 subjects of 30 students for 10 classes. Display 
    maximum marks of every subject for each class.


Q-3      a. Write a recursive C function to generate 15th terms of Fibonacci series.                                        8
b. Write a program which will read a string and rewrite it in sorted order. For example, the word
     STRING should be written as GINRST

Section II

Q-4      Answer the following:                                                                                                                                    10

a.What is the difference between formal arguments and actual arguments?
b.How can an entire structure be passes to a function? Describe.
c.What is a union? How does a union differ from a structure?
d.What is the principal difference between the function malloc and calloc?
e.Why a linked list is called a dynamic data structure? What are advantages of using linked lists over arrays?

Q-5      Write a program to accept 10 integers. Define a function, which is receiving 10 integers from the main program as an array. Function should sort the numbers using any convenient method and return the sorted array back to main program.                                                                                       7


Q-5      Define a structure that can describe a hotel. It should have members that include the name, address, grade, average, average from charge, and number of rooms.                                                                        7
            Write functions to perform the following operations:
a.                               to print out hotels of a given grade in order of charges
b.                              to print out hotels with room charges less than a given value

Q-6      a. A C program contains the following statements                                                                             8
                        char u, v= ‘A’;
                        char *pu, *pv = &v;
                        *pv = v+ 1;
                        u = *pv + 1;
                        pu = &u;
Suppose each character occupies 1 byte of memory. If any value assigned to u is stored in (hexadecimal) address FBC and the value assigned to v is stored in address F8D, then
1. what value is represented by &v?
2. what value is assigned to pv?
3. what value is represented by *pv?
4. what value is assigned to u?
5. what value is represented by &u?
6. what value is assigned to pu?
b. Write a ‘C’ program to search an element in a given linked list.


Q-6      a. Explain the use of pointers in variable parameter passing with example.                                       8
b. Two files DATA1 and DATA2 contain sorted lists of integers. Write a program to produce a third file DATA which holds a single sorted, merged list of these two lists. Use command line arguments to specify the file names.