Tuesday, December 28, 2010

MCA - Accounting & Financial Management - 1995


MCA Semester II
Accounting and Financial Management

24th July, 1995                                                     SECTION I

Q-1      Attempt any three questions:                                                                                                              9

(1)   Distinguish between (any one)
(i)                 Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing
(ii)               Variable cost and fixed cost
(2)   State whether following statements are TRUE OR FALSE.
(i)                 Sales Budget is the starting point of Budgetary control.
(ii)               Fixed Assets changes its form frequently.
(iii)             Agreed trial balance is the proof of correctness of Accounts.
(3)   Multiple choice
Select the most appropriate phrase:
(i)                 Payback period is useful when
(a)    Liquidity under question
(b)   Profit is critical
(c)    Time value of money is important
(ii)               Working Capital is the difference of
(a)    Current Assets and Fixed Assets
(b)   Fixed Assets and Current liabilities
(c)    Current Assets and current Liabilities
(iii)             Salary paid to Shri Shantilal, the concerned Accounts are
(a)    Real & Nominal
(b)   Personal & Real
(c)    Nominal & Personal
(4)   Select the appropriate answer from the bracket
(i) Assets purchased in the year 1992 at the cost of Rs.5,00,000, estimated life of the assets assumed       
10 years, depriciation accounted for the year 1994 is Rs.50,000, method of depreciation is (written down value, straight line method , unit of output)
(ii)Goodwill is the assets (Real & tangible, Real & intangible, tangible & fictitious)
(iii) In a factory against standard hours of 10,000 actual hours spent 12,000, against standard labour cost of Rs.5 per hour actual rate paid is Rs.4. Variance calculated Rs.10,000 (Adverse) is (Labour Cost Variance, Rate Variance, Labour Efficiency Variance).

(5)   Match item from table(1) and Table(2)
Table (1)                                                          Table (2)
                        1. Tax planning & Budgetory Control Working         1. Fixed Assets
                             Capital Management etc.
                        2. Not for Sales                                                           2. Management Accounting
                        3. Rent paid to Shri Ratilal debited to                                    3.  Errors of principle
                            Shri Kantilal
                        4. Internal Rate of Return                                           4. DCF method
                        5. Current Ratio                                                          5. Test of Profitability
                        6. Debit what comes, credit what goes                       6. Nominal Accounts
                                                                                                            7. Test of Solvency                
8.      Real Accounts
9.      Errors of Commission
10.  Cost Accounting
Q-2      Prepare the Final Accounts of Ronak Enterprise as on 31-3-1995, considering the following Trial Balance                                                                                                                                                8                                                                                              Debit                           Credit
                                                                                                            Rs.                               Rs.
            Capital                                                                                     ---                                50,00,000
            Opening Balance                                                                     14,00,000                    ---
            Sales & Purchases                                                                   80,00,000                    1,25,00,000
            Debtors & Creditors                                                               40,00,000                         2,00,000
            Salary                                                                                        4,00,000                    ---
            Plant & Machinery                                                                  30,00,000                    ---
            Furniture & Fixtures                                                               10,00,000                    ---
            15% Bank of Baroda Loan                                                     ---                                     5,00,000
            Postages & Telegram                                                                1,40,000                    ---
            Stationary & Printing                                                                1,20,000                    ---
            Rates & Taxes                                                                              40,000                    ---
            Interest on Bank Loan                                                                             50,000                    ---
            Bank Balance                                                                               50,000                    ---
                                                                                                            --------------                   ---------------
                                                                                                            1,82,00,000                 1,82,00,000
                                                                                                            ========                  =========
(1)   Closing Stock as on 31-3-95 Rs. 5,00,000
(2)   Outstanding expenses:     
Rates & Taxes Rs.10,000
Postages & Telegram Rs. 50,000
(3)   Provide Depreciation @ 20% on Plant & Machinery, @10% on furniture & fixtures .
(4)   Provide Bad debts @2% on debtors.


Q-2      Discuss the process of estimating working capital needs bared on the components of an
Operating cycle.                                                                                                                                  8

Q-3      Following condensed financial Statements of the Infotech Ltd. Relate to the accounting year ending on
            March 31st
Profit and Loss A/c
For the year ended on 31st March (Rs. In lacs)

                                                            1994    1995                                                                1994    1995
            To Opening Stock                   15        15                    By Net            Sales                           150      180
            To Net Purchases                    90        115                  By Closing Stock                    15        20
            To Gross Profit                       60        70
                                                            -----      ----                                                                   ----       -----
                                                            165      200                                                                  165      200
                                                            ===     ===                                                                 ===     ===
            To Admn & Sales Exps          16        12                    By Gross Profit                       60        70
            To Deprication                          4          5                    By Misc. income                       5          8
            To Interests                               5          6
            To Prov. For Taxes                  20       30
            To Net Profits                         20       25      
                                                            ----       ----                                                                   ----       ----
                                                            65        78                                                                    65        78
                                                            ===     ===                                                                 ===     ===
Balance Sheet
As on 31st March (Rs. In Lacs)

            Liablities                                 1994    1995                Assets                                      1994    1995
            Equity Capital                         50        50                    Fixed Assets (Gross)              100      120
            Reserves                                  10        35                    Less: Acc Depriciation              40        45
            14% Debentures                      15        15                    Net Fixed Assets                      60        75
            Curr. Liabilities                       25        30                    Current Assets                                      40        55
94                95
Stock               15        20
Debtors           15        23
Cash & Bank   10        12
                                                            ----       -----                                                                  -----      -----
                                                            100      130                                                                  100      130
                                                            ===     ===                                                                 ===     ===
Calculate the following ratios and give your comments on each of them for the changes occurred for the year ended on 31st March,1995
(1) Current Ratio         (2) Net Profits Ratio               (3)        Operating Ratio
(4) Debt-equity Ratio  (5) Stock Turnover Ratio        (6)        Average Age  of Debtors


Q-3      Answers the following (Any Two)
(1)   Explain errors not affecting the trial balance.
(2)   Compare the straight line method with written down method.
(3)   Explain factors affecting working capital requirements.


Q-4      Attempt the following (Any Three)                                                                                                    9
(1)   Zabak Ltd. Maintains its stores ledger on LIFO basis . Based on transactions during the period
Of May 95. Find out its closing balance.
      Data                Transaction
      1                      Receipts          10,000 kgs @ Rs.20
      7                      Receipts          40,000 kgs @ Rs.30
      8                      issue                30,000 kgs
19                          issue                50,000 kgs
23                          Receipts          15,000 kgs @ Rs.25
26                          issue                10,000 kgs
         (2) Binaka Ltd. Provides following figures. Find out (1) P/V ratio   (2) Break Even Point
                (3) Sales when company wants to earn profits of Rs. 20,00,000.
                                                Year                Sales                Profit
                                                                        Rs.                   Rs.
                                                1993                50,00,000        6,00,000
                                                1994                1,00,00,000     10,00,000
(3) Lara System Ltd. Has following capital structure. Find out weighted Average cost of capital.
                                    Capital structure                      Rs.                               Cost of Capital
                                    Equity shares                           40,00,000                    12%
                                    10% Pref. Shares                       5,00,000                    10%
                                    18% Debenture                         5,00,000                      
            Taxbracket assume at 50%
(4)   Complete balance sheet figures:
Liabilities                                      Rs.                   Assets                                                  Rs.
Share Capital                     40,00,000                    Fixed  Assets                                      30,00,000
Reserves                            10,00,000                    Current Assets
Current Liabilities             10,00,000                                Inventories                              ?
                                                                                          Debtors                                   ?
                                          ------------                                                                                 ------------
                                          60,00,000                                                                                60,00,000
                                          =======                                                                                =======
Liquidity Ratio 2:1
Q-5      Find out internal Rate of Return of Banzara Ltd. From following data:
            Year                Cashflow                                 Year                Cashflow
                                    (Rs.)                                                                (Rs.)
            1                      16,000                                     6                      20,000
            2                      16,000                                     7                      25,000
            3                      16,000                                     8                      40,000
            4                      16,000                                     9                      25,000
            5                      16,000                                     10                    10,000
            Rate of Return between (10% and 15% return)
            PV factor for 10% and 15% are as under:
            PV factor/Years          1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10
            @10%                         0.909   0.846   0.751   0.683   0.621   0.564   0.513   0.467   0.424   0.386
            @15%                         0.870   0.756   0.658   0.572   0.497   0.432   0.376   0.327   0.284   0.247


Q-5 (a) The Asha Systems Ltd. Has a cash on hand of Rs. 25,000 on 1st July,1995. If requires you to prepare an
            estimate of cash position for the three months period July, August and September, 1995. The following
            information are available:
            Particulars       May                 June                 July                  August                        September
                                    Rs.                   Rs.                   Rs.                   Rs.                   Rs.
            Sales                50,000             56,000             60,000             80,000             90,000
            Purchases        30,000             32,000             35,000             40,000             40,000
            Wages               6,000               6,500               7,000               9,000               9,500
            Factory Exps     5,000               5,500               6,000               7,500               8,000
            Office Exps       4,000               4,000               4,000               4,000               4,000
            Sales Exps         3,000               3,000               3,500               4,500               4,500

            Additional Information:
(1)   60% of the sales are on credit for one month.
(2)   Suppliers supply goods on one month credit terms.
(3)   Wages and other expenses are paid in the month in which they are incurred.
(4)   Rs. 5,000/- to be paid as Advance Income in the month of September,1995.
(5)   The company will pay bonus to workers in the month of August, 1995 worth Rs. 20,000.
(b)    Discuss the advantages of Budgeting.                                                                                               2


Q-5 (a) The following details are taken from the financial records of the Cosmos Ltd. For the year ended

31st March,1995. You are required to calculate the total cost of production at 80%, 90% and 95% of capacity. While fixed Overheads remain constant, Semi-variable overheads remain constant upto 80% of capacity, increase by 10% between 80% and 90% of capacity and increase by 20% between 90% and 100%. Capacity.
The cost details at 60% capacity utilization:
Fixed Overheads                                Rs. In lacs
           Wages & Salaries                    8.4
           Rates & Taxes                         5.6
           Depreciation                            7.0
           Sundry Overheads                  9.0
Semi-variable Overheads                  
           Maintenance                            2.5
           Indirect labors                         10.0
           Selling expenses                      3.0
           Sundry expenses                     2.5
Variable  Overheads 
           Materials                                 24.0
           Labour                                     26.0
           Other Expenses                         4.0
     (b) Discuss the essentials of Budgeting

Q-6      Alpha Computers Ltd. Is presently considering an investments in a capital project. The project details are as under:
                        Project Cost                = Rs. 2,60,000
                        Project life                   = 4 years
                        Scrap Value at the end = Rs. 20,000
            Projected Operating results    
                        Year                            Profit
1                                                                  Rs. 10,000
2                                                                  Rs. (20,000) Loss
3                                                                  Rs. 30,000
4                                                                  Rs. 42,000
The depreciation is provided under the straight line method.
Evaluate the project under the following methods:
            Payback Period
            Accounting Rate of Return
            Net Present Value  Assuming the required rate of return  is 14%