Sunday, January 2, 2011

OOADM MCA Question Paper 1999 ATKT

Gujarat University  (ATKT)

MCA Semester V
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods

Date: 7th August, 1999            Marks:50

1.      Write both the sections in separate answer-books.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Assume the data wherever and whenever necessary.
4.      Use standard conventions.

Section I

Q-1 (A) Define following terms:           [5]

            (a) OMG         (b) CORBA    (c) ORB          (e) Event trace
       (B) Explain the various object types along with a sample example.       [4]

Q-2 (A) Explain the Generalization and specialization.         [3]
       (B) System can often be built out of existing objects, this leads degree of reusability. Justify the statement
 with suitable case study.              [5]


Q-2 (A) Distinguish between the association and aggregation    [3]
       (B) Explain the following:                     [6]
(a)    pattern
(b)   metadata
(c)    class of class
(d)   template
(e)    role

Q-3 (A) In object oriented analysis show the importance of multiple inheritance and Explain the inheritance of
any of the  object model.,       [4]
       (B) Take any Graphics case study of automobile case study and show the Object diagram and class
diagram.         [4]


Q-3      Explain the Dynamic modeling and show the event trace and time behaviour of the model. Show how it is different from static object modeling. Take case study of Elevator System.   [8]

Section II

Q-4 (A) Explain the various steps of Object oriented design.     [5]

(B)    Explain the differences how OOP helps in solving the problem rather than the procedural approach. [4]
Q-5 (A) What are the characteristics of OO languages. How does the OO modeling different from SRS. [4]
       (B) What are the rules associated with event diagrams?    [4]

Q-6 Attempt any TWO:            [8]
1.      Ternary association
2.      encapsulation and information hiding
3.      abstraction
4.      messages in OO