Gujarat University
MCA Semester IV
Software Engineering
Date: 31st July, 2001 Marks:50
1. Write answers of each section in separate answer books.
2. Figures to the right of each question indicate marks allocated to that question.
3. You may make assumptions whenever necessary. Indicate clearly such assumptions you have made.
Section I
Q-1 (a) State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. [6]
1. Hardware does wear out but software does not ware out. Software however, does deteriorate.
2. Umbrella activities are very much dependent on Framework activities.
3. Cleanroom software Engineering is one of the formal methods for software development.
4. The 4 P’s of project management are problem, People, Product and Process.
5. Errors in the software are detected and removed before release of the software, whereas defects are noticed after the release of software.
6. Size oriented metrics do penalize well-designed shorter programs.
7. Kansei is the first step in the process of Total Quality Management advocated by the Japanese.
8. Measure of Software Reliability is precisely indicated by Mean time To Failure. (MTTF).
9. A Poka-Yoke device is a software mechanism that lead to prevention potential quality problem before it occurs.
10. Software configuration management is primarily concerned with auditing the software configuration and reporting changes applied to the configuration.
11. A DFD may have both transformation and transaction characteristics.
12. Cyclomatic complexity can be computed from graph matrices.
(b) Define the following terms (any three): [3]
1. DFD 2. PSPEC 3. CFD 4. CSPEC 5. STD
Q-2 What is SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM)? What is the significance of CMM to software [8]
organizations? In your own words, describe each level of CMM and the corresponding KPAs employed.
Q-2 List all the software process models that you have studied. Describe the RAD model and its applicability in
detail. [8]
Q-3 Enumerate the size-oriented and function-oriented metrics for software measurement. Describe how these
metrics can be derived. Discus the pros and cons of each method. [8]
Q-3 (a) What is Software Sizing? Why it is necessary to do the sizing? Explain different methods of software
sizing. [4]
(b) Why is the “make-buy” decision and deciding whether or not to outsource software development an
important part of the software planning process? Explain briefly. [4]
Section II
Q-4 Write short notes on any three of the following: [9]
1. Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management (RMMM)
2. Cohension and Coupling
3. Earned Value Analysis
4. Formal Technical Review (FTR)
5. Abstraction and Stepwise Refinement
6. Smoke Testing
Q-5 (a) Describe the general process of creating a Data Flow Diagram (DFD). [4]
(b) List all the elements of the Analysis Model and explain the role of each element in detail. [4]
Q-5 (a) Explain the concept of Structured Programming in detail. [3]
(b) What are the characteristics of Program Design Language? [2]
(c) Briefly describe the transform mapping and transaction mapping of DFDs into program structure.[3]
Q-6 Show the differences between black-box and white-box testing. Categorize and describe briefly the following
testing techniques: [8]
1. Loop Testing
2. Condition Testing
3. Boundary Value Analysis
4. Comparison testing
Q-6 Develop an optimized flowchart for computation of average, maximum and minimum values from given n
values. Develop the flow graph and compute cyclomatic complexity from this flowchart. Also list the set of
basis paths foe design of test cases. [8]