Gujarat University
MCA Semester IV
Parallel Processing
Date: 24th July, 2002 Marks:50
1. There are two sections.
2. Answer each section in separate answer books.
Section I
Q-1 Answer the following:
a. Differentiate between ideal speedup and actual speedup. [1]
b. Explain Amdahl’s law in brief. [2]
c. Differentiate between tightly and loosely coupled machines. [2]
d. Derive the speedup formula for block scheduling where excess iterations are distributed among various
processes. [2]
e. What is race condition? How to overcome it? Give example. [2]
Q-2 a. What is meant by dependency? Explain different types of dependencies. Show remedy of each giving
examples. [4]
b. Explain loop splitting and self-scheduling mechanisms. Write down the criteria for selection from these
two mechanisms. Give examples. [4]
Q-2 a. Differentiate between temporal and data parallelism. Explain any two methods of parallelism in detail.
b. What is ‘mutual exclusion’? Explain the necessary semaphore operations in Unix to solve the
contention problem. Give example. [4]
Q-3 a. Discuss the effect of number of process and number of iterations on the performance of parallel code.
b. Specify the dependency in a loop containing a single statement X(i) = X(i-1) + Y(i). How can it be
removed? Write an algorithm to parallelize this loop for n=20 and nproc =5. [4]
Q-3 Obtain a task graph for calculating values of A,B,C from the following expressions: [8]
A = sin(x2y) + cos(xy2) + exp(x2)
B = g(p) + exp (-x*f(y)) + h(x2) + f(y)g(p)
C = f(x2) + sin(g(p)) + cos2 (h(y2))
Assuming that 3 processors are available, obtain a task assignment to processors assuming the given
timings for various operations.
Also compare the time obtained by your assignment with the ideal time needed to complete a job with 3
Timings for Multiply, sin, cos, exp: 2 units
g(x), f(x), h(x) : 3 units
Remaining operations : 1 unit
Section II
Q-4 a. What is the function of parallelising compiler? Differentiate between implicit and explicit parallelism.
b. What is condition variable? Write the advantages of using it. Give example using pthread library.
c. Define ‘parallel processing’. Why should one use it? Name few applications where it should be used. [3]
Q-5 a. Describe SIMD computer organization and its characteristics in detail. [4]
b. Discuss about the functionality to be provided for group communication in message passing
programming model. [4]
Q-5 a. Draw a block diagram of distributed memory model of parallel computer. Write its advantages over shared memory model. [4]
b. What do you mean by vector processor? Where should it be useful? Explain possible vector
instructions in brief. [4]
Q-6 a. What is pipeline architecture? Draw the architecture. Write about different possible classifications of pipeline processors. [4]
b. Write about the ‘Support from OS in multiprocessing’. [4]
Q-6 Write differences: [8]
a. PVM vs. MPI
b. Fork vs. pvm_spawn
c. FORALL statement vs. FORALL construct in HPF Fortran
d. Process vs. thread