Monday, December 20, 2010

Software Engineering 2000

Gujarat University

MCA Semester IV
Software Engineering

Date: 28th  July, 2000                                                                                                                              Marks:50

1.      Write answers of each section in separate answer books.
2.      Figures to the right of each question indicate marks allocated to that question.
3.      You may make assumptions whenever necessary. Indicate clearly such assumptions you have made.

Section I

Q-1 (a) Which of the development process models that you know, would you follow for the following projects?

Give justifications (any four):                                                                                                             [9]
1.      A Simple data processing project.
2.      A data entry for office staff who have never used computer before. The user interface and user-friendliness are extremely important.
3.      A new system for comparing fingerprints. It is not clear if the current algorithms can compare fingerprints in the given response time constraints.
4.      A new missile tracking system. It is not known if the current hardware/software technology is matured enough to achieve the goals.
5.      An on-line inventory management system for an automobile industry.
6.      A spreadsheet system that has some basic features and many other desirable features that use these basic features.
7.      A flight control system with extremely high reliability. There are many potential hazards with such system.
        (b) What are software matrices? What is the role of matrices in project management? What is the role of
matrices in process management?

Q-2 (a) Do a functional decomposition of any system of your choice. Estimate the size of each function in LOC.
Assuming that your organization produces 450 LOC/pm with a burdened labour rate of Rs.70,000 per person             month, estimate the efforts and cost required to build the software.                                     [8]
      (b) Under what circumstances would you recommend prototyping should be used as a means of validating
system requirements?


Q-2 (a) Describe the methods and tools used for project scheduling. How can we keep track of the schedule?     
       (b) What do you understand by statistical quality assurance? Explain. 

Q-3 Write short notes on the following:                                                                                                         [8]
1.      Business area analysis
2.      Product engineering
3.      Formal Technical reviews
4.      Risk mitigation, monitoring and management

Section II

Q-4 (a) Suppose three numbers a, b and c are given in ascending order representing the length of the side of a

triangle. The problem is to determine the type of the triangle (whether it is isosceles, equilateral, right,
obtuse or acute). Consider the following program description written for this program:                  [9]
read (a, b, c)
if (a <b) or (b < c) then
            print (“illegal input”);
if (a ==b) and (b ==c) then
            print (“equilateral triangle”);
            print (“isosceles triangle”);
            a = a* a;  b = b*b; c = c*c;
            d = b + c;
            if (a ==d) then print (“right triangle”);
            else if (a<d) then print (“acute triangle”);
            else print (“obtuse triangle”);
Derive the test cases to test the above program.
         (b) Discuss the difference between verification and validation and explain why verification is particularly
difficult process.                                                                                                        

Q-5 (a) Describe the basic design concepts that has evolved over the past three decades in brief.               [8]
       (b) What do you understand by cohesion and coupling? Explain.
      (C )  If some existing modules are to be re-used in building a new system, will you use a top down or bottom up
approach? Why?


Q-5 (a) Explain the BRO testing technique giving suitable example.                                                            [8]
       (b) What are major matrices that can be used to evaluate system design? Which of these could be better used to
approximate the size of the final system and how?
(C ) Explain how bang matrix can be used to develop an indication of the size of the software to build as a
consequence of the analysis model.

Q-6 Explain the following using any system of your choice (any two):                                                        [8]
1.      Data Modeling
2.      Functional modeling
3.      Transaction modeling