L.D. Engineering College
MCA Semester III
Sessional I
System Software
Date: September , 1997
Time: 1 hr Marks:25
Q-1 (a) Define following terms:
1. System Program 2. Relocation Factor
(b) Explain the execution of HLL program with diagram (in brief).
(c) Write the advantages of Assembly language programming.
(d) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Single pass assembler over multi pass assembler.
Q-2 (a) Draw the flow-chart for the pass-I of the assembler.
(b) Write short-note for following:
1. Intermediate code forms
2. Linked list and Tree-structured symbol table
3. Listing and error indication in assembler
Q-2 (a) Write the algorithm for the Pass-I of assembler.
(b) Write short-note for following:
1. Self-relocating program
2. Linking for program Overlays
3. Tables used in the design of a Macro-Preprocessor