Gujarat University
MCA Semester IV
Networking Technologies I
Date: 17th July, 2003 Marks:50
Section I
Q-1 Answer in brief to the point
a. Define multicasting, broadcasting and unicasting. 2
b. What is multiplexing? 1
c. What is bit rate and baud rate? How are they related? 2
d. What is a IP address and subnet? 2
e. What is pipeline and piggybacking? 2
Q-2 a. Explain sliding window protocol using Go Back N and show how it deals with- lost frames,
duplicate frames and lost acknowledgement. 4
b. Explain Time Division Multiplexing, PCM and differential PCM. 4
Q-2 a. What is GSM and how is it used for mobile communication? 4
b. What is congestion? How is congestion controlled in virtual circuit networks? 4
Q-3 Attempt any Two 8
a. Write a note on Gigabit Ethernet.
b. Explain the Link state routing algorithm.
c. Write about the single station model, single channel assumption, Carrier sense
d. List and explain the services provided by IEEE 802.11 standard.
Section II
Q-4 Answer in brief:
a. What are P-box and S-box used for? 2
b. What is domain name space? 2
c. What is a cipher? List the various ciphers you are aware of. 1
d. What is MIME and in brief give it functionality. 3
e. What are the elements of transport protocol? 1
Q-5 a. Break the following monoalphabetic cipher. The plaintext consist of letters from a poem 4
Kfd ktbd fzm eubd kfd pzyiom mztx ku kzyg urbzha kfthcm
Ur mftnm zhx mfudm zhx mdzythhc pzq ur ezsszcdm zhx gthcm
Ztx pfa kfd mdz tm sutyhc fuk zhk pfdkfdi ntcm fzld pthcm
b. Illustrate the four scenarios of releasing a connection at transport layer using three way
handshake. 4
Q-5 a. Explain DES 4
b. Explain the primitives of transport layer 4
Q-6 Attempt any Two 8
a. Explain SMTP
b. What are resource records? Explain any three DNS resource record types.
c. Explain encryption method of transposition cipher
d. Compare virtual circuits and datagram subnets