Saturday, December 18, 2010

System Software-GLS Sessional 2001

GLS Institute of Computer Technology (MCA)
Subject: System Software

1st Sessional Examination

Date: 04/10/2001                    Time: 11:30 to 1:00 p.m.                               Total Marks:50

Q-1 Answer the following questions (Any Ten)                                                                                [20]

a)      Explain Indexed and Immediate addressing modes of Intel 8088 with e.g.
b)      Explain the terms Forward Reference and Intermediate Representation.
c)      Perform lexical analysis on following statement (Take your own assumption).
a:= b + c; Explain what is the use of lexical analysis.
d)     Differentiate between Grammer and Recursive Grammer with example.
e)      Explain different entry formats of search data structure.
f)       Explain the use of EQU, ANOP, SET and LTORG with e.g.
g)      Write a generic search procedure for locate the entry of symbol in a symbol table.
h)      Explain in brief the techniques to reuse memory in Heaps.
i)        Explain in brief the types of statement used in Assembly language with example.
j)        Explain lexical and semantic expansion.
k)      Explain any two listing directives in Assembly language with example.
l)        Explain back patching in brief.

Q-2 Answer the following questions:                                                                                                 [15]
a)      Discuss the data structures used in single pass assembler. List data structures used in macro  
b)      What is a macro? Given the following macro show all the data structure entries during macro
definition and call.

                              CLEAR           &A, &B, &R = BREG
                              LCL                &Z
      &Z                   SET                 5
                              MOVER         &R, 0
      .MORE           MOVEM         &R, &A + &Z
      &Z                   SET                 &Z + 1
                              AIF                 (&Z NE &B). MORE


Q-2 Answer the following questions:                                                                                                 [15]

a)      Draw a flow chart or write an algorithm for a macro definition and expansion.
b)      Discuss the types of parameters available in Macro. Write a macro that moves 10 positions of an array specified as the first operand into first 10 positions of an array specified as the second operand.

Q-3 Answer the following questions:                                                                                                 [15]
a)      Construct both variants of intermediate code for the assembly program given below and compare
them. Discuss how declaration and assembler directives are processed.
b) What are the problems faced in single pass assembler? Draw a flowchart or write an algorithm for
     single pass assembler. Discuss about flag registers available in Intel 8088.


Q-3 Answer the following questions:                                                                                                 [15]
a)      Explain in brief Search and Allocation data structures. Write a note on Hash table organization.
b)      Given the following assembly program. Show the contents of all tables after pass I along with IC using Variant II and also give the object code

START            300
                                    B         DC                  3
                                                MOVER         AREG = ‘5’
                                                MOVEM         AREG, A
                                    L1        MOVER         CREG, B
                                                ADD               CREG, =’1’
                                                COMP             CREG, AREG
                                                BC                   NE, NX
                                    NX      SUB                AREG, =’1’
                                                COMP             CREG, AREG
                                                BC                   LT, LS
                                    LS       STOP 
                                                ORIGIN         L1 + 2
                                                MULT             CREG, B
                                    A         DS                   1