Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Networking Technologies I july 2001

Gujarat University

MCA Semester IV
Networking Technologies I

Date : 28th July, 2001                                                                                                                        Marks:50

Section I

Q-1 Marks (3 +3 + 3 =9)
a)      Compare Novell Netware against TCP/IP
b)      Discuss any two, transmission media used for networking
c)      Explain with suitable example, time division multiplexing

Q-2 Marks 8
            Explain in detail the Select Repeat Sliding Window Protocol.


Q-2 Discuss IEEE standard 802.3 for LAN.

Q-3 Marks 8
            Write short notes any FOUR of the following:
1.      Cellular Technology
2.      Electro- Magnetic Spectrum
3.      DQDB
4.      Fragmentation
5.      CRC Check sum

Section II

Q-4 Marks (5 + 4 =9)
a)      Explain any one static and any one dynamic routing algorithm.
b)      What is congestion? Explain any two congestion control algorithms.

Q- 5 Marks 8
            Elaborate the differences OSI reference model and TCP/IP reference model.


Q-5  What do you understand by cryptography? Detail on the traditional and modern methods of cryptography.

Q-6 Marks 8
            Differentiate any four of the following:
a)      Connection oriented versus Connection less services
b)      CSMA versus MACAW
c)      Fast Ethernet versus Fiber Optics Channel
d)     Internet working versus Networking
e)      A virtual Circuit versus Data Gram Subnets