Saturday, December 18, 2010

System Software-Sessional Paper

Section I

Q-1 (a) What do you understand by system programming? Explain different types of system software in brief.    3
       (b) In an assembly language program, a certain action is required at 10 places in the program. Under what conditions would you code this action as (1) macro (2) a subroutine ? Justify your answer with the help of appropriate example.                                                       4
(c) What is the difference between ORIGIN and START statement in an assembly level program. How are they processed by the assembler?                          3

Q-2 (a) Discuss the problem of deletion of entries in the sequential search organization.     5
       (b) A compiler typically generates a.OBJ file, which is later converted into a.EXE or a.COM file. Clearly
describe the difference between three files.          4
       (c) Discuss the problems encountered during the single pass assembly.         6


Q-2 (a) Draw flow chart or state the algorithm of PASS-I of the assembler and explain it.    9
       (b) Explain the overlay technique.             3
       (c) Explain bottom up parsing.                  3

Section II

Q-3 (a) Give an example of following conditions in terms of code optimization.      4

·         Elimination of common subexpression
·         Strength reduction
       (b) Write the difference between formal parameters, keyword parameters and actual parameters.   4
       (c) Write advantages of block structured language. Explain allocation and access of local and non-local
variable for a block structured language.                                           5

Q-4 (a) Self relocating programs are more efficient than relocatable programs in all respects. Comment on the
validity of the statement and justify your comment.        4
       (b) List the difference between character device driver and block device driver.    4
       (c) Explain the entry format for the Macro name table MNT.       4


Q-4 (a) Write the classification of a grammer.        4
       (b) Discuss the lexical analysis & syntax analysis phase of a compiler.     4
       (c) Explain synthesis phase of a compiler.                           4