Saturday, December 18, 2010

System Software-LD Engineering College 1998

L.D. Engineering College

MCA Semester III
Sessional II
System Software
Date: 9/12/98
Time: 1 hr.                                                                                                                             Marks:25

Q-1 (a) Attempt the following: (any three)                                                                                        [6]

1.      Explain Backtracking.
2.      What is address bus and data bus? What is the size of address bus and data bus doe 8088 processor?
3.      Write the advantages of debugger?
4.      Give an example of following conditions in terms of code-optimization:
a.       Elimination of common subexpression
b.      Strength reduction
         (b) Attempt following:                                                                                                               [4]
            If you have given following grammar:
            <Sentence>                 =          <Noun Phrase>   <Verb Phrase>
            <Noun Phrase>           =          <Article> <Noun>
            <Article>                     =          a | an | the
            <Noun>                       =          Government | College
            <Verb>                        =          made
            Find: (I) IF the input string is “the Government made a college” then perform reduction operation
stepwise. Generate syntax tree for same.

Q-2 Attempt following:
            1. Explain Analysis phase of a compiler.                                                                                [5]
            2. Explain static and dynamic memory allocation with example.                                           [4]
            3. Explain different addressing modes of 8088 processor with example.                              [4]
            4. Explain following assembler directives:                                                                             [2]
i.                    SEGMENT
ii.                  PUBLIC


Q-2 Attempt the following:
            1. Explain Synthesis phase of a compiler.                                                                               [4]
            2. Write classification of a grammar.                                                                                      [3]
            3. Show the complete sequence of steps involved in dynamic debugging of a program.      [3]
            4. Explain LL (1) parser with example.                                                                                  [3]
            5. Explain following assembler directives:                                                                             [2]
i.                    ASSUME
ii.                  EXTERN