Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Computer Graphics - 9

Q-1 Write Short Notes on following:                                                                               [5]

a)      Depth Cueing.
b)      Surface Rendering.
c)      Exploded and Cutaway views.
d)     Direct View Storage Tubes (DVST)
e)      Color Table.

Q-2 Distinguish the parallel projection and perspective projection.                                 [2]


Q-3 Explain Hermite Interpolation.                                                                                  [4]

Q-3 Explain Bezier Curves with example. Also enumerate some important properties of Bezier Curves.


Q-4 Derive the transformation matrix for general three-dimensional rotation.                [4]
Q-4 Explain Parallel Projection in Detail.

Q-5 Summarize the possible ways of handling backup and errors. State which approaches are more suitable for the beginner and which are better suited to the experienced user.                                 [3]

Q-6 Explain in detail the working of Sutherland Hodgman algorithm for clipping polygon through the following example:
Window is a rectangle with diagonal points (50, 50), (150, 100). Object to be clipped is triangle with vertices (100, 100), (270, 100) and (75, 100).                                                                        [4]


Q-6 Explain Cohen Sutherland algorithm for clipping lines.

Q-7 Explain the concept of DDA of line drawing.                                                          [3]


Q-7 Compute the co-ordinates of vertices of having co-ordinates of vertex follows:
P1 (5,5,5), P2 (7, 5,5), P3 (7,7,5), P4 (5,7,5), P5 (5,5,7), P6 (7,5,7), P7 (7,7,7), P8 (5,7,7) by After translating by 2 units in x direction., scaling by 2 units in x direction and scaling 3 units in y direction.