Saturday, December 18, 2010

Networking Technologies - II 2003

Gujarat University

MCA Semester V
Networking Technologies- II

Date: January 2003

Time: 3  hrs.                    Marks:50

Section I

Q-1      a. Explain VoIP Technology.                      4

            b. Compare TELNET with Rlogin.                   3
            c. Explain ICMP error messages.              2


Q-1      a. Explain Mobile IP in detail.                   5
b. Discuss security aspects to a subnet (different ways to implement security) and role of the Firewalls for implementing network security.                     4

Q-2      a. Compare BOOTP with DHCP. Explain DHCP Header.           4
            b. Discuss SMTP in detail.                 4


Q-2      a. List all the protocols used in TCP/IP reference model (all layers).                         2
            b. Draw routing table for a subnet of four routers shown below:                                  4
            c. Explain UDP pseudoheader.                          2

Q-3      Attempt any four (not more than 2-3 sentences please)                  8
1.                  i. What id minimum MTU size required to send an IP datagram that contains atleast 1 byte of data?
ii. Do you expect a high-speed local area network to have larger or smaller MTU size than a wide area network?
2.                  i. What is header compression?
ii. Which fields of an IP header change from router to router?
3.                  Lost TCP acknowledgements do not necessarily force retransmissions. Explain why.
4.                  Explain DNS SOA records.
5.                  Explain how sending IP packets to nonexistent addresses on a remote Ethernet can generate broadcast traffic on that network.

Section II

Q-4      a. Explain TCP header.                    5


a.       Compare IPv4 with Ipv6.
b.      Design a network with exactly 1000 clients in a subnet. Write range of IP addresses, Network ID and subnet mask.                                                                                                                                 3

Q-5      a. Explain FTP and TFTP. List protocols used by both at transport layer.         4


Q-5      a. Discuss implementation of VPN.
            b. What is Network Address Translation? Who does NAT in the Network? How?                         3
            c. Define silence compression and Jitter with respect to VoIP.                                                         1

Q-6      a. Explain Java Network Classes.                          5
b. Write a program to connect to a TELNET server on port 7070. Text typed from the client should be displayed on the server.  5
b. Write a program for multiple chat server.

Networking Technologies - II 2002

Network Technology - II

Monday, 21st January, 2002                                                 Total Marks: 50

Irrstructions:    (1)  Attempt both the sections m separate answer-books.
(2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(3)  Figure to the right indicates full marks.


Q-l (A)                                                            [4]
Write a Java routine for a server that can handle one client it a time. The server should read the data from the client and append the string "FROM SERVER:" at the beginning of the data that it reads and then sends the resulting string bade to the client. Your server should listen on port number 2222.


Q-1 (A)                                                            [4]
Write a Java routine for a client that connects to a server called "MY SERVER" on port number 9000 and sends a request to get the server time. The Request should be the string "PLEASE INFORM ME THE TIME". On receiving the information the client should display the time on the standard output

Q-1 (B) Answer .the Questions to the point.             [5]
1) List down all the methods of Applet skeleton?      [1]
2) List different types of sockets?                             [1]
 3) What is serialization and externalization of data?   [2]
4) What is the difference between using a UDP socket and a TCP socket in Java?  [1]

Q-2 Answer the following questions        [8]
A) Explain Sliding window protocol?     [5]
B) What are the problems associated with Acknowledgments and retransmission?   [3]
Q-2 Answer the following questions         [8]
A) Explain TCP state machine in detail.                   [5]
B) What are pointer queries? Where are they most useful?    [3]

Q-3 Answer the following question in brief           [8]
  A) Explain Karn’s algorithm.                [5]
  B) Explain Rlogin? What are the differences between Rlogin and Telent?        [3]
Q-3 Answer the following question in brief:             [8]
A) Explain the process of Domain Name Resolution in detail.      [5]
B) Explain How Telnet protocol works.             [3]


Q-4                                                                                  [9]
Write down a Java routing for server and client that for transferring a file from server to client. The server should listen on port 9999 and the client should request the server providing the name of the file to be transferred.

Q-5                                              [8]
A) Differentiate ARP and RARP and their importance.    [3]
B) Explain packet level filters and their variations?           [5]


Q-5                                                    [8]
A) Explain FIT Process model?                   [5]
B) What is RPC? Why is it used?         [3]

Q-6                               [8]                                                   
A) Explain Mail forwarding and aliases?      [5]
B) List down the sequence of command that are involved in a successful mail transfer using SMTP?       [3]                                                          
Q- 6                                 [8]
A) What is silly window syndrome and what are the potential solutions to it.                 [5]
B) What are the properties of reliable delivery systems?     [2]
 C) What are the advantages of using a variable window size rather than static one?       [1]

Networking Technologies - II 2001

Gujarat University

Semester V (ATKT) Examination, August 2001

Subject: Networking Technologies II

1.      Answers to the two sections must be written in separate answerbooks.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Symbols carry their usual meaning.
4.      Assume suitable data, if necessary.

Section I

Q-1      Answer the following (Any Six)         [9]

i.                    What is Internet? Explain the usefulness of gateways?
ii.                  Explain the concept of connection oriented and connectionless services giving suitable examples.
iii.                Give the difference between broadcasting and multicasting.
iv.                Explain in brief the characteristics of UDP.
v.                  Explain with example how ARP works.
vi.                What do you mean by silly window syndrome in TCP?
vii.              What is subnetting and supernetting?
viii.            What are the characteristics of IP addressing? Give some special IP addresses.

Q-2 a.  Describe the advantages of using IP? Give the format of IP header and explain.                             [5]
       b. Explain the usefulness of TCP explaining the port and Quality of Service in TCP.                          [3]


Q-2 a. Compare the merits and demerits of following protocols.     [5]
            RARP, BOOTP and DHCP
       b.  Explain the format of TCP segment header and explain.     [3]

Q-3 a. Explain the usefulness and architecture of Firewall.             [4]
       b. Explain shortest path routing and flooding with illustration.   [4]


Q-3 a. What is flow based routing? Explain Distance Vector Routing with its advantages and disadvantages.[4]
       b.  Explain the DNS with illustration.      [4]

Section II

Q-4      Answer the following (Any six)         [9]

i.                    What is the difference between JAVA applet and application?
ii.                  Explain : JAVA Virtual Machine
iii.                What do you mean by interface in JAVA?
iv.                Explain Garbage Collection.
v.                  List out some of the Basic Utility Classes in JAVA.
vi.                How Scrollbar is used in JAVA?
vii.              Explain how strings are handled in JAVA?

Q-5 a. Write an Applet which accepts two integers & an operator. When a “COMPUTE’ Button is pressed, it displays the result of operation (indicated by operator) performed on operands.        [5]
       b.  What is event handling? Explain Java 1.1 event model.      [3]


Q-5 a.  What is package in JAVA? Create a sample package.    [4]
b.      What is exception handling? Write a program to copy an array of integers to another array with proper exception handling.                      [4]

Q-6      Write shortness on any FOUR of the following:    [8]
            i) ICMP           ii) Remote Login         iii) EGP
            iv) SMTP         v) HELLO Protocol    vi) FTP

Networking Technologies - II 2000

Gujarat University

MCA Semester V
Network Technologies II

Date: 8th January, 1999                                                                                                                    Marks:50

1.      Write both the sections in separate answer-books.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Assume the data wherever and whenever necessary.
4.      Symbols carry their usual meaning.

Section I

Q-1 Answer the following (any nine)            [9]

i)                    Explain the concept of connectionless packet delivery service with example.
ii)                  Give the properties of an Ethernet.
iii)                What do you mean by subnetting and supernetting?
iv)                Give the difference between Bridge, Router and Gateway.
v)                  What is Proxy ARP?
vi)                What is TCP port? Give any four reserved port numbers.
vii)              What do you mean by silly window syndrome?
viii)            What is IP multicasting?
ix)                Explain the three primary classes of IP addresses and give special address.
x)                  Give the properties of an FDDI network.

Q-2 (a) Explain the format of TCP segment header with illustration. How connection is established and released in TCP?     [5]
       (b) What is ICMP? Describe various types of ICMP messages in brief.        [3]


Q-2 (a) Explain the format of IP datagram with illustration. Explain in detail the IP options field and fragmentation control fields.     [5]
       (b) Explain the use of BOOTP and DHCP with illustration.   [3]

Q-3 (a) Give the importance of firewalls. Also explain how to implement it.    [3]
       (b) Give the advantages of open SPF (OSPF) protocol. What is HELLO protocol?  [3]
       (c) Explain vector distance routing with illustration.     [2]
Q-3 (a) Explain the DNS for TCP/IP Internet. Clearly explaining mapping of Domain names to Addresses. How domain name resolution can be made efficient?        [4]
       (b) Explain the usefulness of EGP. Also describe in brief various messages used in EGP.   [3]
       (c) Give the properties of TCP/IP reliable delivery service.         [1]

Section II

Q-4 (a) Explain the following sentences with reasons:          [4]

1.      JAVA applet is untrusted code.
2.      JAVA is 100% object oriented
3.      JAVA Exception handling makes JAVA code more reliable
4.      Garbase collector degrades the performance.
        (b) Explain following modifiers: final, private protected, protected                                                      [3]
        (c) Explain how JAVA is platform independent.

Q-5 (a) Write a JAVA class to represent Bank account which allows you to perform show balance, credit and debit operations on given account identified by unique account-id. Use it in a main() to show its working.[4]
       (b) Explain how JAVA handles various events through its event delegad model. Give at least one example.                    [4]


Q-5 (a) Write a JAVA applet which will receive a string and show its reverse.     [3]
       (b) Explain following with examples:      (i) Threading  (ii) Exception handling           [5]

Q-6 Write short notes on any four of the following:      [8]
            (i) ARP                        (iii) Rlogin                   (v) TFTP
            (ii) UDP                      (iv) SNMP                   (vi) MIME

Networking Technologies - II 1999

Gujarat University

MCA Semester V

Networking Technologies II

8th January, 1999

1.      Answer to the two sections must be written in separate answer books.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Make the assumptions, wherever necessary and state them clearly.

Section I

Q-1      Answer the following (any Six)            [9]

1.      Why was it felt necessary to have the UCP checksum in addition to the Checksum in the IP header?
2.      What is the difference between a Repeater and a Bridge?
3.      What is multicasting?
4.      How does a router know whether an incoming diagram carries a GGP message?
5.      Explain in brief the concept of connectionless unreliable delivery.
6.      Explain in brief the primary classes of IP addresses. Will this scheme be sufficient in future or not?
7.      What do you meant by a UDP port? List out any five well known UDP port numbers.
8.      Differentiate between ARP and RARP.

Q-2      a. Explain the significance of each of the fields of the TCP segment header.
            b. What is routing? Explain in detail any one of the following:
                        i. Vector distance routing       ii. Link sate routing


Q-2      a. Explain the following controls with two suitable examples each.        [4]
                        i. checkbox      ii. list
            b. write a JAVA application program which displays the string “Hello, World” in the middle of a
                 CANVAS of size 200 X 200.               [4]

Q-3      a. Explain the concept of a Network’s maximum Transfer Unit and of  fragmentation as applied to IP
    datagrams.                       [2]
b. What is a DNS server? How domain names are mapped to addresses?   [3]
c. What is EGP? Why do implementation of EGP use a HOLDDOWN mechanism that causes the protocol to delay accepting an acquisition  .” From a neighbor for a fixed time following the receipt of a  from that neighbour.                          [3]

Networking Technologies - II 1998

Gujarat University

MCA Semester V
Networking Technologies II

Date: 23rd November, 1998                                                                                                               Marks:50

1.      Write both the sections in separate answer-books.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Assume the data wherever and whenever necessary.

Section I

Q-1 Answer the following:                                                                                                                             [9]

(a)    What are the functions of UDP? Why is the UDP checksum different from the IP checksum?
(b)   Compare the merits and demerits of the following protocols:
(c)    Give the differences between Broadcasting and Multicasting in Internet.

Q-2 (a) Describe the important fields of IP datagram.                                                                                   [5]
       (b) Explain the concept of a network’s maximum transfer unit and of fragmentation as applied to IP
datagrams.                                                                                                                                           [3]


Q-2 (a) What is the Domain Name Server? Explain how DNS servers keep the information updated?       [4]
             (b) Explain the three primary classes of IP address.                                                                                [2]
 (c) Consider a machine with two physical network connections and two IP addresses I1 and I2. Is it
possible for that machine to receive a datagram destined for  I2 over the network with address I1? Explain.                                                                                                                                                [2]

Q-3 (a) How the following concepts are implemented in TCP? Explain.                                                      [5]
i.                    Reliable Delivery
ii.                    Flow control
       (b) Assume that a machine using TCP is sending segments using maximum window size (64 Kbytes) on a
channel that has infinite Bandwidth and an average round trip time of 20 milliseconds. What is the
maximum throughput? How does throughput change if the round trip time increases to 40 milliseconds (while bandwidth remains infinite)?                                                                                                   [2]
       (c) How does a router detect circular excessively long routes?                                                               [1]


Q-3 (a) Describe any two methods of authentication used for Internet security.                                          [4]
       (b) Describe the functioning of ICMP.                                                                                                    [2]
       (c) Explain the concept of autonomous systems used in Internet routing. Discuss the exterior gateway
                   protocol. State the key restrictions of EGP.                                                                                      [2]

Section II

Q-4 (a) Define the following terms as used in JAVA systems:                                                                      [2]

1.      A thread in JAVA
2.      A class construction
3.      JAVA virtual machine
4.      A JAVA applet
        (b) States that of the following statements are True or False:                                                                [2]
1.      A subclass can override the constructor of the superclass.
2.      JAVA does not support operator-overloading features in C++.
3.      A subclass inherits the entire public methods and variables of the superclass.
4.      Garbage collection starts in finalize() method.
(c)    Create a web page in HTML which shows the syllabus of the 5th semester. For each subject, the important topics covered in your class must be specified.                                                                    [4]

Q-5 (a) Select the most appropriate answer from the choices given:                                                              [3]
1.      A constructor is called when
a)      a browser is loaded in memory.
b)      When class object is created by Java virtual machine
c)      On user request.
2.      init() is called
a)      when applet is loaded
b)      when user clicks mouse
c)      when applet is brought into view
3.      JAVA script is
a)      a language for debugger’s Java applets.
b)      A script language that initializes the applets.
c)      A run time language interpreted by a browser
4.      A graphics object is the
a)      device context of windows
b)      software controlling two applets
c)      graphics adapter card
5.      A layout manager
a)      controls position of applet in a browser
b)      controls layout of controls in an applet
c)      controls background colour of an  applet
(d)   Write a simple event program for moving a character (say ‘x’) from left boarder to right border and
again from right to left boarder.                                                                                                   [3]
            (c) Explain in brief how you will use choice and scrollbar controls in JAVA programming. [2]


Q-5 (a) Answer the following (any four)                                                                                                        [4]
1.      What is an interface?
2.      What is a Byte code?
3.      Explain the thread synchronization in JAVA.
4.      What is meant by applet context object?
(b)   Write a simple applet which shows textfield, Button and List. Whenever a user enters a text in the
Textfield and processes button (OK) the text should be added in to the List.                                  [4]

Q-6 Write short notes on any three of the following:                                                                                     [9]
1.      ARP and Transparent routers
2.      Telnet protocol
3.      FTP features and user’s view
4.      Core routers
5.      Subnetting and Supernetting
6.      Echo server and time date server

OOADM Sessional Exam Paper 2002


Time: 90 minutes.                                                                                                                  Marks:25

Q-1      Answer the following:
            a. Differentiate Object modeling, Dynamic modeling, and Functional modeling.                            6
            b. Describe basic elements of a class and their representation.                                                           2
            c. Define Homomorphism.                                                                                                                  1

Q-2      Give state transition diagram with actions and events for a typical scenario of a telephonic conversation starting from a caller lifting the phone to dial number till end of the conversation and disconnection of the line.                                                                                                                                         8


Q-2      Give an enhanced object model diagram of windowing system of a typical computer operating system software.                                                                                            

Q-3      Answer the following (any two)                                                                                                         8
a.       Describe key boards that every CORBA ORB provides
b.      What is IDL? How it is useful for a CORBA programmer?
c.       Give OMG’s Object Management architecure.

OOADM Sessional Exam Paper 2001

MCA 314 Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Sessional I

Date: September, 2001

Time: 90 mins                                                                                            Total Marks:50

Q-1.   What is Distributed Object? And how CORBA objects are useful in this technology?          [10]

Q-2.   What is ORB?                                                                                                                          [10]

Q-3.   Implement Client/Server Program for counter using ORB and Web Page.                             [10]

Q-4.   Explain different types of sockets. Draw Java Datagram Scenario.                                                    [10]

Q-5.   Implement CGI counter Server/Client program.                                                                      [10]


Implement RMI counter Server/Client program.