Q.1 a) Explain the difference between Raster-Scan Display and Random-Scan Display. (2 Marks)
b) Explain the two basic techniques for producing color displays with a CRT. (3 Marks)
c) What is the function of Video Controller in Raster-Scan display? ( 3 Marks )
Q.2 a) Explain the Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm for lines with positive slope less than one .
Illustrate this algorithm for a line with endpoints (20,10) and (30,18). (7 Marks )
b) Explain how parallel line drawing algorithms speed up the program? Explain in brief the various
techniques used to implement the same. (3Marks)
c) Explain the Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm with a proper diagram. ( 5 Marks )
Q. 3 a) What do you understand by Aliasing and Antialiasing ? Explain various techniques for
AntiAliasing. ( 3 Marks )
b) How much storage is required for the frame buffer with a resolution of 1024 X 1024, a full color
( 24-bit per pixel ) RGB system? How it can be reduced by using color lookup table? ( 2 Marks )
Q. 4 a) Prove that Uniform Scaling ( Sx=Sy ) and a rotation form a commutative pair of operation but that,
in general, scaling and rotation are not commutative operations. ( 2 Marks )
b) A triangle XYZ has coordinates X(2„l), Y(-l,-4), Z(0,5). The triangle is first translated by 2 in x-
direction and by I in y-direction, then rotated by 90 degree about point Z, then scaled by 3 in x-
direction and by 1 in y direction, and finally rotated by 60 degree about the origin 0(0,0).
Derive a 3x3 transformation matrix which performs the above operations.Using this matrix find the transformed coordinates of triangle XYZ . ( 3 Marks )
c) Derive a transformation matrix for the reflection of a point when we choose the reflection axis as
the line y=x. ( 3 Marks )
d) Explain Shear briefly. ( 2 Marks )
Q. 5 a) Use Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm to explain the clipping procedure of the line with end points
A( -3/2, 1/6) and B( 1/2, 3/2) and the clipping rectangle as shown in the following figure :
( 6 Marks )
Q. 5 b) Explain Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl Line Clipping Algorithm. ( 4 Marks )