Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Computer Graphics - 7

Q - 1.   [A] Explain Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm.                                                                 [6]
[B] Write and explain Delete Segment Algorithm.                                                                            [6]

Q - 2.   [A] Explain the terms window and viewport. Write a transformation matrix from window            [7]
       (WXL, WXH, WYL, WYH) to viewport (VXL, VXH, VYL, VYH)
  [B] Explain Surface Rendering.                                                                                                          [6]

Q - 3.  [A] Distinguish the parallel projection and perspective projection.                                                     [6]
 [B] Explain Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl line clipping algorithm.                                                                    [6]

Q - 4.   [A] Derive a transformation matrix for general pivot point clockwise rotation.                                [6]         
   [B] Derive a transformation matrix for scaling in an arbitrary direction, to inch coordinates for any
         specified scaling fixed point.                                                                                                       [7]