Gujarat University
Semester V (ATKT) Examination, August 2001
Subject: Networking Technologies II
1. Answers to the two sections must be written in separate answerbooks.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Symbols carry their usual meaning.
4. Assume suitable data, if necessary.
Section I
Q-1 Answer the following (Any Six) [9]
i. What is Internet? Explain the usefulness of gateways?
ii. Explain the concept of connection oriented and connectionless services giving suitable examples.
iii. Give the difference between broadcasting and multicasting.
iv. Explain in brief the characteristics of UDP.
v. Explain with example how ARP works.
vi. What do you mean by silly window syndrome in TCP?
vii. What is subnetting and supernetting?
viii. What are the characteristics of IP addressing? Give some special IP addresses.
Q-2 a. Describe the advantages of using IP? Give the format of IP header and explain. [5]
b. Explain the usefulness of TCP explaining the port and Quality of Service in TCP. [3]
Q-2 a. Compare the merits and demerits of following protocols. [5]
b. Explain the format of TCP segment header and explain. [3]
Q-3 a. Explain the usefulness and architecture of Firewall. [4]
b. Explain shortest path routing and flooding with illustration. [4]
Q-3 a. What is flow based routing? Explain Distance Vector Routing with its advantages and disadvantages.[4]
b. Explain the DNS with illustration. [4]
Section II
Q-4 Answer the following (Any six) [9]
i. What is the difference between JAVA applet and application?
ii. Explain : JAVA Virtual Machine
iii. What do you mean by interface in JAVA?
iv. Explain Garbage Collection.
v. List out some of the Basic Utility Classes in JAVA.
vi. How Scrollbar is used in JAVA?
vii. Explain how strings are handled in JAVA?
Q-5 a. Write an Applet which accepts two integers & an operator. When a “COMPUTE’ Button is pressed, it displays the result of operation (indicated by operator) performed on operands. [5]
b. What is event handling? Explain Java 1.1 event model. [3]
Q-5 a. What is package in JAVA? Create a sample package. [4]
b. What is exception handling? Write a program to copy an array of integers to another array with proper exception handling. [4]
Q-6 Write shortness on any FOUR of the following: [8]
i) ICMP ii) Remote Login iii) EGP
iv) SMTP v) HELLO Protocol vi) FTP