Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fundamentals of Computer Organization FCO 1999

Gujarat University

MCA Semester I

Date: 8/1/1999                                                                                                                                    Marks:50

Section I

Q-1 a) Answer the following questions:                                                                                                         [4]

i)                    Convert the following decimal number 250.3 to binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers.
ii)                  Perform the following operation using 2’s complement and 1’s complement
(11.11)2 – (10.111) 2
iii)                Perform the following operation using 10’s complement and 9’s complement
(20)10 – (1000)10
iv)                Multiply and divide the following binary numbers in binary system
(11) 2 – (0.101) 2
        b) Find the minimal sum of product and product of sum expression for the following function using
Karnaugh maps and realize the expression using appropriate gates. Also realize sum of product form using NAND-to-NAND gate network and convert this gate network to AND-to-OR gate network. Use as few gates as possible.                                                                                                                                 [5]
F(W,X,Y,Z) = åm(0,13,4,6,12,13,14,15) + åd(2,5,7)
Here, m represents minterms and d represents Don’t care conditions.

Q-2 a) Explain the working of a modulo-8 Binary counter using suitable flip-flop.                                      [4]


       a) Explain the working of Binary Half-Adder. Construct a Full-adder from half-Adders.                   
       b) Answer the following questions:                                                                                                         [4]
i)                    Prove De Morgan’s theorems for three variables
ii)                  Explain the floating point number representation in the computer system
iii)                Explain the different types of character recognition techniques.

Q-3 a) Explain with diagram a 3-to-8 DECODER.                                                                                       [3]


a)      Explain with diagram an 8-input MULTIPLEXER.
b)      Explain the two-dimensional selection system in memory organization.                                          [5]
b)      Design a 3-bit counter with the following binary sequence using RS flip-flops.                             
000, 001, 011, 010, 100, 101, 111 and repeat

Section II

Q-4 a) Explain the instruction and execution cycle organization of the control registers.                             [3]

        b) Answer the following questions:                                                                                                          [6]
i)                    Explain the different addressing techniques using suitable examples.
ii)                  Explain the logical operations performed by the ALU.
iii)                Write a note on Mouse.

Q-5 a) Explain the architecture or features of any 16-bit microprocessor.                                                     [4]


       a) Answer the following questions:        
i)                    Explain the use of the flag register and the different addressing modes used in 8080 microprocessor.
ii)                  Explain the use of tri-state drivers in BUS system of the computer.
       b) Write short notes on the following: (any two)                                                                                                [4]
i)                    Error Detection and Error correction
ii)                  Register Transfer Language
iii)                Floppy disk controller

Q-6 a) Distinguish between the following (any four)                                                                                     [8]
i)                    Impact and non-Impact printers
ii)                  Combinational circuits and Sequential circuits
iii)                Floppy Disk Drive and Hard Disk Drive
iv)                Static RAM and Dynamic RAM
v)                  RS flip-flops and JK flip-flops