Gujarat University
MCA Semester I
Date: 20th August, 2001 Marks:50
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Answer to two sections should be written in separate answer-books.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and clearly indicate it.
5. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Section I
Q-1 Answer the following: (9)
a. Convert the following decimal numbers to equivalent binary numbers:
43, 0.375, 27/32, 64
b. State and prove De Morgan’s theorems.
c. Which gates are called Universal gates and why?
d. Simplify the following expressions:
i) ABC ( ABÇ + ABC + ÅBC) ii) AB + AB + ÅC + ÅÇ
e. Explain full-adder with necessary diagrams.
Q-2 a) Explain Master-Slave flip-flop with block diagram and logic design. (8)
b) Explain JK Flip-Flop giving its logic diagram. What is the disadvantage of using JK flip-flop.
Q-2 a) Explain clocked RS flip-flop giving its logic diagram? (8)
b) Explain binary counter with timing diagram.
Q-3 a) Convert the following expressions to sum of product forms: (8)
i) (A+B) (B+C) (Å+C)
ii) (Å+C) (Å+B+Ç) (A+B)
iii) (A+C) (AB+AC) (ÅÇ+B)
iv) (Å+B) (Ç+B)
b) Explain binary coded decimal adder with necessary diagram.
Q-3 a) Perform the following operations using 9’s complement and 10’s complement method. (8)
i) 14-9
ii) 198-124
iii) 8-4
iv) 15-9
b) Explain Decoders.
Section II
Q-4 Answer the following:
a) State the segment registers of 8086 microprocessor. (9)
b) State the differences between static RAM and dynamic RAM. (1)
a) Explain logic circuit tristate driver.
b) Explain DMA.
c) Write note on: CRT output devices.
Q-5 a) Write short note on: Key boards (8)
b) Explain 4 x 1 Multiplexer.
Q-5 a) Explain the following Harris 6100 microprocessor instruction words: (8) TAD, DCA, JMB
b) Write short note on : Printers and its types
Q-6 a) What is addressing mode. Explain direct, indirect and immediate addressing modes with example.(8)
b) Explain the difference between pulse duration and pulse transition Flip-Flop with timing diagram.
Q-6 a) Write short note on: Magnetic Disk Memories
b) State and explain different categories of IC memories . What are the advantages of using IC memories.