Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Computer Graphics - 2

Q - 1.
1.        What is DDA? How Bresenham's line drawing algorithm is more efficient than DDA? Write     
Bresenham's algorithm for the line with slope greater than or equal to 1.                                              [07]
2.   Explain how the winding number method and odd-even method for an inside test of a polygon.         [07]
3.   Explain parallel line drawing algorithm. How does it speed up the program?                                         [06]

Q - 2.     Answer following questions in short.
1.    Which devices are used for data output on graphics workstations?
2.   Explain Raster-Scan Displays.
3.   Explain Random-Scan Displays.
4.      Explain Shadow-mask method used in Color CRT Monitors.
5.      What are composite monitors?
6.   Explain Direct View Storage Technique.
7.   Explain Raster-Scan Systems.
8.   Explain Random-Scan Systems.
9.   Explain Frame Buffer.
10.  Explain Attributes of a line.

Q - 3.     1.   Explain Midpoint Circle Generating Algorithm with one example.                                           [10]
  2.   Explain Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm.                                                                                [10]