Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Networking Technologies I 1996

Gujarat University

MCA Semester IV
Networking Technologies IV

Date: 22nd August, 1996                                                                                                                    Marks:50

1.      Answers to the two sections must be written in separate answer-books.
2.      Q. Nos. 1 and 6 carry 9 marks each. Other questions carry 8 marks each.
3.      Make necessary assumptions, wherever required, and state them clearly.

Section I

Q-1 (a) What is the Nyquist Rate? If a continuos signal is sampled at a rate lower than the Nyquist rate, what will

be the effects?
       (b) A communication channel can send 1,000,000 bits/second reliably. It is to be used for sending voice
signals each of which is sampled at 8 khz. Each sample as digitized by using an 8-bits A/D converter. How
many users can be accommodated using TDM in the communication  channel?

Q-2 (a) State the Shannon’s Theorem.
            What should be the bandwidth of the channel for obtaining a channel capacity of 10,000 bits/sec. When the
signal power is 16 times the noise power?
        (b) A 10 MHz signal is to travel on a pair of wires. If the velocity of propagation on the wires be 75% of the
speed of light, how far would the signal travel during 0.1 microseconds.


Q-2 (a) A 10 Hz sine wave is used as the carrier with a square wave as the modulating signal. The square wave is
symmetrical and has a cycle time of 1 second. Sketch the time domain representation for the following
methods of modulation:
i)                    Amplitude Modulation
ii)                  Frequency Modulation with the frequency shifting from 10 Hz to 20Hz.
iii)                Phase Modulation with a phase shift of 180 degrees.
          (b) How does a PLL work? How does it perform the demodulation of FM signals?

Q-3 (a) What is Manchester Encoding? Compare the bandwidth it uses to that of the NRZ method of encoding.
What are the advantages of Manchester encoding?
        (b) A system is sending out the following pattern:
                        0101    1110    1000
            Draw the output for both the Manchester and the NRZ Encoding methods.


Q-3 (a) A system is sending 1 ms bits at a rate of 500 bits/sec. It uses –10V to +10V signals. The time to slew from
negative to positive should be less than 10 percent of the bit time. What is the minimum acceptable slew
rate in Volts/ms?
        (b) An asynchronous data communication system uses RS-232 operation with voltage levels of +12V and –
12V, with Even parity, with 1 start bit and with 1.5 stop bits. Its data rate is 1000 bits/sec. Sketch the line
output vs. time for transferring the following:
i)                    A using ASCII code
ii)                  58 using ASCII code
iii)                58 in binary
What is the signal state of the data line when-
i)                    There is no data on the line?
ii)                  There is a BREAK?

Section II

Q-4 (a) State the important properties of the following media for communication:
            Fiber-optic cable, coaxial cable, flat cable, twisted-pair of wires
        (b) What are the two causes of Intersymbol Interference? How does looking at the eye-pattern help the
channel designer?
        (c) Explain the following terms as used in Data Communication:
             Adaptive Equalizer, Pre-compensator, Help-Duplex systems, Bandwidth Compression and Bandwidth
Reduction, CMRR

Q-5 (a) For an Asynchronous Data Communication System, give the cause(s) for each of the following types of
Framing error, Parity error, Overrun error.
        (b) Explain the following terms for an RS-232 communication system:
                        RTS, CTS, DSR, BTR, Ring Detector
         (c) Compare RS-422, RS-423 and RS-485 with RS-232.


Q-5 (a) Define the role of each layer in the OSI model of data communication.
       (b) Sketch the seven-layer OSI model, which allows a plant executive to communicate with both the office
staff (using Ethernet) and the production staff (using MAP).

Q-6 Write notes on ANY THREE of the following:
1.      UART 8251
2.      CRC Checksum method of error detection
3.      MODEMS
4.      Cellular Networks
5.      ISDN