Saturday, December 18, 2010

OOADM Sessional Exam Paper 2000

Sessional I

Time: 90 minutes.                                                                                      Total Marks:50
 I.  Explain the following with suitable examples.
a)  Abstraction
b) Functional model
c)  Multiplicity
d) Qualified Association
e)  Aggregation
f)   Generalization
g) Candidate key
h) Homomorphism
i)   Scenario
j)  Concurrency in dynamic model

2)      Write scenarios for getting ready to take a trip in your vehicle.

3)      Draw the state diagram, which shows synchronization in the withdrawal of money from ATM Counter.

4)      Draw a complete object model diagram for a Banking Application, which has operations like withdraw 
      deposits, funds transfer and loans (Consider here Bank as a network of all the branches in a city).

5)  Distinguish with suitable examples
a)  Object and Class
b) Encapsulation and Polymorphism
c)  Inheritance and Message communications
d) Abstract and instance
e)  Metadata and Data dictionary

6)  Write short note
a)  JDBC Core Driver Interfaces
b) JDBC Core Connection interfaces
c)  JDBC Core Result set Interfaces
d) CORBA Services.

7) Explain in detail the benefits of using Object Web over the traditional CGI.