Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Networking Technologies I 2004

Gujarat University

MCA Semester IV
Networking Technologies I

Date : 25th February, 2004                                                                                                               Marks:50

Section I

Q-1      a. Compare and contrast the OSI reference model and TCP/IP model.                                               3
            b. Explain how the electromagnetic spectrum is divided into bands for communications.                  3
            c. List out the devices used by each layer of the OSI reference model and Give their functionality. 3

Q-2      a. Explain how routing is done for mobile hosts.                                                                                  4
b. Explain the Hamming code method for single bit error taking appropriate bit stream as input.
    Show the check bits and data bit as output.                                                                                      4
Q-2      a. Explain in detail the distance vector routing algorithm.                                                                     4
b. A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using CRC. Show the actual bit stream transmitted at the
    sending end. Assume that the third bit is inverted during transmission how is the error detected at
    the receiver’s end.                                                                                                                              4

Q-3      Define the following terms (any four)                                                                                                   8
a.       Flow control, Congestion control
b.      Bit rate, baud rate
c.       Count to infinity problem
d.      Hop by hop choke
e.       Adaptive routing, static routing
f.       Piggy backing, pipelining

Section II

Q-4      Answer in brief:                                                                                                                                  9
a.       Define CSMA, CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA.
b.      What is cryptography? Explain the transportation method for encryption.
c.       List and explain the primitives of transport layer.

Q-5      a. State and explain the IEEE standard used for broadband wireless communication.                     4
            b. Explain the architecture and services used for electronic mail.                                                      4
Q-5      a. Illustrate the three protocol scenarios when establishing a connection in the Transport layer using
    the three way handshake.                                                                                                               4
b. List out the services provided by IEEE 802.11 standard                                                               2
c. What is the name server? Explain how a resolver looks up a DNS.                                               2

Q-6      Attempt any two:                                                                                                                                8
a.       Write a note on DES
b.      Explain RSA in detail
c.       Compare TCP and UDP
d.      Explain SMTP protocol