Gujarat University
MCA Semester - V
Section I
Q-1 Write short notes on: [9]
(a) Tools required for prototyping
(b) CASE TOOLs and its benefits
(c) Role of system analyst
Q-2 (a) Which objectives should be considered while designing computer output? Explain output methods. [8]
(b) Which graphic method should be used in the following situations:
1. To show how the monthly income from your personal financial investments have compared have
compared with the trends of the Bombay Stock Exchange over a 12 months period.
2. To show the proportion of total sales achieved by the each department during a single specific period.
Q-2 (a) Explain different Data Validation methods with appropriate examples. [8]
(b) 1. Explain the difference between Batch Applications and On-line Applications.
2. How do help and Messages differ in purpose and use?
Q-3 Develop Context Analysis Diagram and First Level Data Flow Diagram of any business application with which you are familiar, with basic requirements. [8]
Q-3 1. Discuss basic objectives behind the design of information system. [8]
2. Describe various data coding methods with examples.
Section II
Q-4 1. Discuss various objectives of Software Design. [9]
2. Briefly describe each system Conversion method.
Q-5 1. What methods are used to estimate program development time? Briefly describe each. [8]
2. Write short note on Benchmark.
Q-5 1. Describe various criteria for Computer Hardware and Software Selection. [8]
2. For what purpose project Managers use structured Walkthroguhs?
Q-6 Attempt any two: [8]
1. Short note on Documentation
2. Importance of user Training
3. Importance of audit features in software