Friday, December 10, 2010

System Analysis and Design 1998

Gujarat University

MCA Semester - V

Section I

Q-1                                                                                                                                                                  [10]

(a)    Describe the steps involved in the development of any business application in brief with example.
(b)   Describe the components of the Structured System Analysis and Design.

Q-2      Which objectives analyst should consider while designing input forms. Explain the process of design of
secure document with proper examples.                                                                                             [8]


Q-2      List various output methods. Explain the process of designing of printed output with proper example.

Q-3      Design dialogue chart for the any application with which you are familiar.                                      [7]


Q-3      Write short notes on (any two):                                                                                                          [7]
1.      Prototype Approach
2.      CASE tools
3.      Data Dictionary

Section II

Q-4                                                                                                                                                                  [10]

(a)    Describe software design objectives to be considered systems engineers.
(b)   Explain System Training activities.

Q-5      Describe systems conversion methods in detail.                                                                                 [8]


Q-5      Explain the estimation and management of Software development time.                                         [8]

Q-6      Draw complete Context Analysis Diagram and First Level Data Flow Diagram of any business
application with which you are familiar.                                                                                             [7]


Q-6      Draw Structured flowcharts for any business application you know.