Friday, December 10, 2010

DBMS 1998

Gujarat University


Date:22-4-1998                                                                                                                                              Marks:

1.      Answer both the section is separate answer books.
2.      Make and state necessary assumptions.

Section I

Q-1      Do as directed:                                                                                                                                                [9]

a)      What is the difference between any and ALL operator in SQL.
b)      Give the difference between procedural and non-procedural languages.
c)      List the SQL statements included in DML.
d)     Give the difference between Equi-Join and Natural-Join.
e)      Name the central module of DBMS and list its major functions.
f)       Explain the term Redundancy and five the example.
g)      Define the function Dependency.
h)      What does data dictionary store? It is referrred when and why?
i)        List the components of Relational DBMS.

Q-2      The bank in a city offers three types of accounts: Saving, Current and Fixed Deposit. It operates no. of
branches and a client of the bank can have any no. of accounts. Accounts can be joint. Identify the entities of interest and show their attributes. Draw the complete ER diagram.                                                  [8]


Q-2      Construct an ER diagram for a university’s Register’s office. The office maintains data about each class
including the instructor, the enrolment and the time and place at the class meeting.                                                [8]

Q-3 a) What are the anomalies? Describe different anomalies using example.                                                          [4]
       b) Explain ANSI/SPARC architecture for DBMS.                                                                                             [4]


Q-3 a) Describe the integrity rules with proper examples.                                                                                          [4]
       b) Explain BCNF with example.                                                                                                                         [4]

Section II

Q-4      Consider the following database:                                                                                                                   [9]

            Supplier (Scode, Sname, Scity)
            Item (Icode, Iname, Unit_price)
            Supplier_It (Scode, Icode, Qty, Date)
            Solve the following queries in SQL:
a)      List the items having unit-price in the range of Rs.100 to Rs.200 inclusive.
b)      List the suppliers who have not supplied any item.
c)      List the pairs of suppliers who have supplied an item ‘Sugar’. Eliminate the duplicates.
d)     List Sname, Iname, Qty and Date for all supplies.
e)      List the supplier names who have supplied at least one item supplied by supplier ‘S101’.
f)       Count no. of suppliers in each city. Display city and count in the order of city.

Q-5      Write short notes on any TWO:                                                                                                                      [8]
a)      Networks Data Model
b)      Security
c)      Multivalued Dependency
d)     Translation

Q-6      Write short notes on any two:                                                                                                                         [8]
a)      Non-loss Decomposition
b)      Role of DBA
c)      Data dependence
d)     Function Dependency Diagram