Gujarat University
MCA Semester - III
Q.1 Attempt ANY TWO from the following: [Marks: 10]
a. What is a relation ? Relational Algebra? Write a note on relational algebra operations/
b. Explain ANSI/SPARC architecture.
c. Write a note on security controls supported by SQL.
Q-2 Attempt ANY TWO from the following: [Marks: 10]
a. Write a note on the objectives of distributed Data base management system.
b. Consider the following :
Supplier (sno, sname, city, status)
Parts (pno,pname, color, weight, city)
Shipment (sno, pno, qty, price)
Write SQL queries to accomplish the following:
i. List the name of the part supplied by all the suppliers.
ii. List the highest quoted price for each part.
iii. Extract the supplier information for the suppliers who are supplying any red part.
iv. List the supplier name and the total number of parts supplied by him.
c. Discuss the limitations of traditional file system.
Q.3. Attempt ANY ONE from the following: [Marks:05]
a. Write a note on hierarchical model & network model.
b. The Bank of X has number of branches in different cities. But one city can have only one branch. The head office is in Ahmedabad city. For each branch, a blanch number, branch name, its address with city name, and whether the branch is a head office, a regional office or local office is stored. Each branch has a number of customers with the condition that the customer can't have more than one account in one branch but can have accounts in any number of branches. The customer data are maintained which include unique customer number, name, address, & whether the customer is domestic or commercial .The accounts are given unique number within the branch. The accounts may be of saving type or current account. The customer can do any number of transactions in a day with any branch. The transaction is identified by the date, time, transaction number, account number, amount, & whether it a withdrawal or deposit.
The branch has to maintain the database.
Draw the ER diagram and clearly define the tables with their primary keys, candidate keys and
foreign keys.
Q.4. Attempt ANY TWO from the following: [Marks: 15]
a. Write a note on 1nf, 2nf, 3nf, & BCNF.
b. Write a note on the concurrency-related problems.
c. Discuss aspects of the security problem. Also discuss the importance of an audit trail.
Q.5. Attempt ANY TWO from the following: [Marks: 10]
a. Write a note on advantages of relational data base management system.
c. Explain the concept of foreign key, primary key, domain & entity with Example.
d. What is system recovery? Explain REDO and UNDO.