Gujarat University
MCA Semester IV
Software Engineering
Date: 18th July, 2003 Marks:50
Section I
Q-1 Express your views on following statements. Clearly explain positive as well as negative aspects
(Any four) 8
1. Since we are at CMM level-4, process is more important to us than the product.
2. I have an overall idea about the objectives of this new to be developed system, so I can go ahead and start writing the programs.
3. Our deadline is extremely tight, so please don’t waste our time in FTR.
4. If we follow the design guidelines completely,then we do not need to spend more time in coding phase.
5. A democratic project team setup is the ideal team setup in all possible situations for our company.
Q-2 a. If your rival company has achieved recently the CMM level-3 certificate, then what important
points you draw about that company? What your company has to do to beat that company and to
get CMM level-4 or even lavel-5 ? 4
b. Write a note on extended function points. 3
c. Which life-cycle model is best suited to handle various types of risks? Briefly explain how that
model can handle these risks. 2
Q-2 a. What are the different types of team organizations possible in a software project? What are the
factors influencing a choice of a team structure. Explain by taking real life example. 4
b. Describe briefly the problem of software sizing and four approaches to that problem. 3
c. Write a note on defect removal efficiency. 2
Q-3 a. Define software configuration. Why is software configuration management crucial to the success
of a huge software project? Explain in detail how it is managed throughout the SDLC. 4
b. What does software quality indicate? Describe the essential elements and corresponding metrices
for measuring software quality. 4
Q-3 a. Distinguish between change control and version control by giving examples. 4
b. Which are the options available for new software to be acquired? How will you compute
expected cost for each of the option? What will be the criteria for ‘make’ or ‘buy’ decision?
Section II
Q-4 Consider the student registration system to manage the course registration and to handle student class scheduling, classroom allocation, instructor assignments, student registration status, add/drop requests, class lists for instructors, room use sheets and summary reports.
a. Develop DFDs at level-0, 1 and 2. 6
b. Prepare software design by identifying modules using transform and/or transaction mapping from
DFD level-2 3
Q-5 a. List all the elements of the analysis model along with the diagram. Explain role of each element
in detail. 4
b. Discuss relationship between information hiding and functional independence. Explain how
coupling can be used to measure the functional independence. Also describe various types of
coupling. 4
Q-5 a. Explain Ward and Mellor extensions with examples. 4
b. What is structural partitioning? Explain both types of partitioning with diagram and examples. 4
Q-6 Develop an optimized and flawchart for the following pseudo code. 8
Up_60:= true; sum:=0;
For I to no_of_subjects do
If marks[I] <70 then up_60:=false
Sum:=sum + marks[I]
If average>=80 and up_60
Then print(“with distinction”)
Develop the flow graph and compute cyclomatic complexity from this flow chart. Also list the set
of basis paths for design of test cases.
Q-6 Write short notes (any two) 8
1. McCall’s Quality factors
2. Decision table
3. Data flow architecture
4. Quality function deployment