Monday, December 20, 2010

Software Engineering 1999

Gujarat University

MCA Semester IV
Software Engineering

Date: 22nd  July, 1999                                                                                                                        Marks:50

1.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2.      Answer both the sections in separate answer books.
3.      Used symbols have general meaning.
4.      Assume data if wherever necessary.

Section I

Q-1 (a) List and explain software characteristics.                                                                                          [9]
       (b) Using appropriate example describe function-oriented metrics.
       (c) Using suitable example explain how to compute task selector value.

Q-2 (a) Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of various software process models.                 [8]
       (b) Describe the risk projection activities carried out by the project planner.


Q-2 (a) Compute the 3D function point value for an embedded system with the following characteristics [8]
                        Internal data structures           : 9
                        External data structures          : 6
                        Number of user inputs                        : 24
                        Number of user outputs          : 72
                        Number of user inquiries         : 12
                        Number of external interfaces            : 3
                        Transformations                      : 30
                        Transitions                               : 24
            Assume that the complexity of the above counts is evenly divided among low, average and high. Assume
weights if needed.
       (b) Using proper example explain how to determine the scope of the systems.

Q-3 Attempt any Two:                                                                                                                                   [8]
a.       Describe the COCOMO model for estimation
b.      Discuss the various risk associated with Process
c.       Write short note on Time line chart

Section II

Q-4 (a) Explain how the error index of the software can be computed. How this index can help to improve the

quality of the software.                                                                                                                       [9]
       (b) Describe the difference between cardinality and modality giving suitable examples.
       (c) Consider the problem of developing software for controlling a small chemical plant. The plant has a
number of emergency situations where specified actions have to be taken. Some of these are:
1.      if the temperature exceeds T1, then the water shower is turned on.
2.      If the temperature is below T2, then the heat is turned on.
3.      If the pressure is above P1, the valve V1 is opened, but if it is above P2 (P2, P1), then both valve V1 and V2 are opened.
4.      If the chemical quantity is more than M and the temperature is more than T3, then the water shower is turned on and a counter chemical is added.
5.      If the pressure is above P2 and temperature is above T1, then the water shower is turned on, valve V1 and V2 are opened and alarm bells are sounded.
Write the requirements for the control system in the form of a decision table.

Q-5 (a) Apply facilitated application specification technique to any system known to you.                         [8]
       (b) What is cohesion and coupling? Explain.


Q-5 (a) Develop atleast five levels of abstraction for one of the following systems.                                     [8]
1.      Consumer banking application
2.      Any programming language interpreter
3.      Any system known to you
       (b) What are the metrics that can be used to evaluate system design? Which of these can be used to better
approximate the size of the final system and how?

Q-6 Attempt any TWO:                                                                                                                                  [8]
(a)    Consider the following example of a system program for computing N to the power for any integer x
     and y:
1.      scanf (x, y) : if (y <0)
2.      pow 0 – y:
3.      else pow = y:
4.      z = 1.0;
5.      while (pow ! = 0)
6.      | z = z * x : pow = -1|
7.      z = 1.0/z:
8.      printf (z):
      Develop a set of test cases that you feel will adequately test this program.
(b)   What do you understand by top down integration and bottom up interaction? Discuss their relative
merits and demerits.
            (c) Discuss various types of system tests that are worthwhile for software based system.