M. C. A. (Sem. 1) examination, January - 2000
Fundamentals of Computer Organization
1. Write answers of each section in separate answer books.
2. Assume suitable additional data, if necessary.
3. Figures on the right hand side indicate the marks.
4. Draw diagrams whenever necessary.
| | SECTION-I | |
| | | |
Q.1 | | Attempt the following. | |
| a) | Design a synchronous BCD down counter using JK flip-flops. Initial stage is 1001. | 5 |
| b) | Implement Exclusive-OR function using NOR gates only. | 1 |
| c) | ( 10111 )2+( 10111 )10 (?)16.Find ?. | 1 |
| d) | Reduce the Boolean expression ( a+c+d )(a+c+d' )( a+c'+d )(a+b' ) in to four literals. | 1 |
| e) | Perform (101.101)2-(11.111)2 using 1's and 2's complement. | 1 |
| | | |
Q.2 | | Attempt the following. | |
| a) | Design a full adder circuit and implement it with only NAND gates. Only normal form of inputs are available. | 4 |
| b) | F(x,y, z ) = xyz +x'y+xy'z'+x'y'z. Find simplified function F and implement that function with NAND gates only. | 2 |
| c) | State and prove the Demorgan theorems. Prove that this theorem can be extended for any number of variable. | 2 |
| | OR | |
Q.2 | | Attempt the following. | |
| a) | F '( a,b,c,d ) = ( a+b+d ' )( a+c'+d' )( a+b'+c' ). D'(a,b,c,d)=(a+b'+c+d')(a'+c'+d')(a'+b+d). Find the simplified function F and implement it with NOR gales only. | 4 |
| b) | What is decoder ? Derive 4 lo 16 decoder using 3 to 8 decoders. | 2 |
| c) | Write short notes on : Multiplexer | 2 |
| | | |
Q.3 | | Answer the following questions. | |
| a) | Explain the BCD ripple counter with circuit diagram. Explain at least three state transition. | 4 |
| b) | Explain the 3 bit shift register with circuit diagram. Draw the timing diagram for each output if the input sequence is 110101 in accordance with 6 clock pulses. | 4 |
| | OR | |
Q.3 | | Answer the following questions. | |
| a) | Explain the JK flip-Hop with circuit diagram, characteristic table and characteristic equation. | 3 |
| b) | State the differences between combinational and sequential circuits. | 2 |
| c) | Write a short note on integrated circuits. | 2 |
| d) | Derive the JK flip-flop using clocked RS flip-flop and logic gates | 1 |
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| | Section-II | |
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Q.4 | a) | Draw the functional block diagram of 8080 microprocessor. Explain in detail the flag register and instruction counter. | 5 |
| b) | Answer the following questions. (any 3) 1) Stale the advantages of different types of spindle motor. 2) What is DMA ? Why is it desirable in some cases ? 3) What do you mean by instruction cycle and execution cycle? 4) How many ways are there lo change the representation of function from SOP to POS ? | 3 |
| c) | What are the steps taken by CPU when an interrupt is generated? | 1 |
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Q.5 | a) | Draw the block diagram of registers of 8086 microprocessor. Explain the function of each segment register in detail. | 3 |
| b) | Write short notes on : Register Transfer Language | 3 |
| c) | Explain the characteristics of printer. | 2 |
| | OR | |
Q.5 | a) | Explain the different types of data transfer techniques through bus with necessary timing diagrams. | 4 |
| b) | State the differences between the following. (any 2) 1) impact and non-impact printers 2) floppy disk and hard disk 3) 8086 and 68000 microprocessor | 4 |
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Q.6 | a) | Attempt any 2. 1) Explain the Hard Disk Controller with necessary diagrams. 2) What do you mean by RAM? Explain different types of RAM with diagrams. 3) Explain the different types of addressing techniques with examples. | 6 |
| b) | A. State the actions will be taken by microprocessor when the following instructions are executed. State the conditions of different flags. (1) CMP M, (2) INR M, (3) LDAX, (4) PUSH, (5) ANI, (6) ADC | 2 |