M. C. A. (Sem. 1) examination, Jan – 2005
Fundamentals of Computer Organization
Q.1 Attempt the following. [9]
1. Draw the block diagram of computer system, with various input and output devices.
2. State and prove De Morgan’s laws.
3. Convert (175.6)8 into gray code and excess-3 code.
4. Perform (43.25)10-(89.75)10 using 1’s complement.
5. Convert the following into POS form. BC + A’B + D.
6. What is dual? Give a dual of the rule X+X’Y = X+Y.
7. Using as few gates as possible, design a NAND-to-AND gate network that realizes the following boolean algebra expression: A’BC’D + ABC’D’ + ABCD’ + AB’C’D’.
8. Draw the diagram of asynchronous gated binary counter using JK flip-flop.
9. Design a 4-bit odd parity checker.
Q.2 (A) Explain the following with appropriate diagrams: Encoder, Demultiplexer. [4]
(B) Draw the basic memory cell for linear select memory organization and explain the linear select memory organization in detail. [4]
Q.2 (A) Explain the following with appropriate diagrams: Decoder, Multiplexer. [4]
(B) With diagram, characteristic equation and circuit, explain JK flip-flop using clocked RS-flipflop and logic gates. Also show its advantages and disadvantages. Discuss briefly how those disadvantages can be solved. [4]
Q.3 (A) For the boolean algebra equation ABCD+A’BC’D’+A’BCD+A’BCD’+(A’B’C’D’+A’B’CD), where the terms in parentheses indicate don’t care terms, do the following. [4]
1. Design an OR-to-AND gate network.
2. Design a combinational network only using NAND gates.
(B) Compare BCD codes like 8-4-2-1, excess-3 and 2-4-2-1. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. [4]
Q.3 (A) Design a counter using JK flip-flop, which counts in sequence: 0, 3, 2, 7, 5, … repeat. [4]
(B) Compare subtraction using true complement and subtraction using radix-minus-one complement, with proper examples. [4]
Q.4 Explain the following briefly. [9]
1. Combinational and sequential circuits 4. Interrupt and interrupt handling
2. Tri-state driver and its uses 5. Timing signal distributor
3. Isolated input output 6. Compact disc
Q.5 (A) Describe with necessary sketches : keyboard interfacing to 8080 microprocessor. Briefly explain need of keyboard status word generator. [4]
(B) Note: flags in 8086 microprocessor. Show in which condition, each flag will change status. [4]
Q.5 (A) Write a note on “instruction cycle, execution cycle and organization of control registers”. [4]
(B) With the basic concept and a detailed example, discuss relative addressing mode and indirect addressing mode. [4]
Q.6 Explain different characteristics or printers. Give classification of printers based on those characteristics. Discuss each. [8]
Q.6 (A) Explain the floppy disk controller with appropriate diagrams. [4]
(B) Write a note on error detection and error correction. [4]