Tuesday, January 4, 2011

MCA FOP 2000

Gujarat University

MCA Semester I

Date: 11th January, 2000                   Marks:50

Section I

Q-1      What would following statement do?

            1. scanf (“%2d  %5d”, &num1, &num2)              [2]
                When the input is 3676727  25, what would be the values of num1 and num2?
            2. int a =20; int b=30; int c;
                c = a/b, now what ill be the value of c?           [1]
            3. int a =20; int b =5; int c;    
                How can one use bitwise operators to get c = a*b?     [3]
            4. int a=7;
                        printf (“%d  %d”, a--, a++);
                        What would be printed ? Explain.  1]
            5. Which of the following constants or variable are invalid? Explain.     [2]
1.      –1.79 e 4.2
2.      Column-Total
3.      3rd _raw
4.      ‘This is testing’

Q-2      Write programs for any two of the following:       [8]
a)      Read 100 integers from the keyboard one by one. Print the frequency of them in following manner.
1-20 < total no. of integers between 1 to 20 inclusive both>
21-40 <                                              21 to 40                      >
41-60 <                                              41 to 60                      >
61-80 <                                              61 to 80                      >
81-100 <                                            81 to 100                    >
100-     < Numbers greater than 100>
b)      Read an integer no from the keyboard and find out total no of zeroes from the entered no.
c)      Read a string from the terminal and fjind out if it is palindrome or not.
Ex. “madam” and “radar” are palindromes but “catch” is not.

Q-3      Write any four:                   [8]
1.      Explain the use of extern classifier with example.
2.      Explain recursion with example.
3.      What is the difference between break and continue? Explain with example.
4.      Explain the difference between for and while loop.
5.      Explain what is type casting with example.
6.      Y= 3x +5 if x >0
   = 2x – 0 if x<0
   = 0 if x =0
use ternary operator to represent above mentioned equation.

Section II

Q-4  a) Use a function with static variable to print each number of following series with successive calls.  [3]

            1, 3, 7, 13,……
        b) A C program contains the following statement     [4]
                        int i, j=25;
                        int *pi, *pj;
                        &pj =j+ 5;
                        i = &pj + 5;
                        pi = pi*;
            Suppose each integer quantity occupies 2 bytes of memory. Value assigned at (Hexa decimal) address FAC and the value assigned to j begins at address FAE then
1.      What value is represented by &j?
2.      What value is assigned to pj?
3.      What value is represented by (*pi +2) and *(pi+2)?
c)      Write a macro WRITE which takes two arguments first being the variable to be printed and second being the type. Then an appropriate printf statement should replace it. Ex. WRITE (a,d) should be replaced by printf(“%d”, a);            [2]

Q-5      Write any two of the following:
1.      Write a program to read integers into a file. Then read the file into an array, sort the array and write the
data back to another file.
2.      Write a function to insert an element into a sorted linked list in an appropriate position. The function
should take the element and pointer to first element as an argument and return the pointer to first element back to main program. Main program is not required to be written.
3.      Write a program to take few integers from the command line and print the maximum of them.
Ex. Max    2          3          4          43        23        12 should display 43 as an answer.

Q-6      Define a structure for the following record for a player.    [8]
1.      team type (enumerated type only cricket or hockey can be valid values)
2.      player name (String 30 characters)
3.      country name (of five bits)                                                   
4.      category (of three bits)
for cricket players
5.      total_runs (of two bits)
6.      total-_wickets (of two bits)
7.      total_catches (of two bits)
for hockey players
            5.total_goals (of two bits)
            6. total_saves (of two bits)
            7. total_fouls (of two bits)
            field no. 5, 6 and 7 are to be unions. Now read information about 20 players with appropriate team type from the terminal (players can be either hockey players or cricket players but not both). Then read a team type from the terminal. Looking at the value of team type, display total number of players from the team and display their individual records.


Q-6      Create a FIFO linked list and then store it into a file.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

OOADM MCA Question Paper 1999 ATKT

Gujarat University  (ATKT)

MCA Semester V
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods

Date: 7th August, 1999            Marks:50

1.      Write both the sections in separate answer-books.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Assume the data wherever and whenever necessary.
4.      Use standard conventions.

Section I

Q-1 (A) Define following terms:           [5]

            (a) OMG         (b) CORBA    (c) ORB          (e) Event trace
       (B) Explain the various object types along with a sample example.       [4]

Q-2 (A) Explain the Generalization and specialization.         [3]
       (B) System can often be built out of existing objects, this leads degree of reusability. Justify the statement
 with suitable case study.              [5]


Q-2 (A) Distinguish between the association and aggregation    [3]
       (B) Explain the following:                     [6]
(a)    pattern
(b)   metadata
(c)    class of class
(d)   template
(e)    role

Q-3 (A) In object oriented analysis show the importance of multiple inheritance and Explain the inheritance of
any of the  object model.,       [4]
       (B) Take any Graphics case study of automobile case study and show the Object diagram and class
diagram.         [4]


Q-3      Explain the Dynamic modeling and show the event trace and time behaviour of the model. Show how it is different from static object modeling. Take case study of Elevator System.   [8]

Section II

Q-4 (A) Explain the various steps of Object oriented design.     [5]

(B)    Explain the differences how OOP helps in solving the problem rather than the procedural approach. [4]
Q-5 (A) What are the characteristics of OO languages. How does the OO modeling different from SRS. [4]
       (B) What are the rules associated with event diagrams?    [4]

Q-6 Attempt any TWO:            [8]
1.      Ternary association
2.      encapsulation and information hiding
3.      abstraction
4.      messages in OO

OOADM MCA Question Paper 1999

Gujarat University

MCA Semester V
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods

Date: 6th January, 1999              Marks:50

1.      Write both the sections in separate answer-books.
2.      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.      Assume the data wherever and whenever necessary.
4.      Use the right conventions and terminology.

Section I

Q-1 (a) How does scenario building is significant for dynamic modeling. What are relationship with events.
Give a case for preparing scenario for going to top floor of lift.    [6]
        (b) Draw the data-flow diagram for motor analysis.      [3]

Q-2  (a) Prepare a portion of an object diagram for a library book checkout system that shows the data a book is due and the late charges for an overdue book as derived objects.    [5]
        (b) Define following:     
                        (i) Workarounds   (ii) Metadata   (iii) Patterns      [3]                                                       


Q-2  (a) Prepare the class diagram and instance diagram for polygon consisting of FOUR points.              [4]

          (b) Define following:
                        (i) State           (ii) Event Trace           (iii) Sheet         (iv) Abstract class

Q-3 Attempt any Two:             [8]
(a)    Prepare a list of objects that you would expect each of the following systems to handle:
(i)                 a program for lying out a newspaper
(ii)               a telephone answering machine
(b)   Discuss what the objects in each of the following lists have in common:           
(i)                 Telescope, bomb, sighe, binoculars
(ii)               Pipe, check valve, filter, pressure gauge
(iii)             Bicycle, car, truck, airplane, motorcycle, horse
(iv)             Nail, screw, bolt, rivet
(c)    Explain the various phases of OMT methodology.

Section II

Q-4 (a) Discuss similarities and differences between data in storage and data in motion. Also give various kinds of common architectural frameworks.   [5]

        (b) Show the generalization as extension and restriction.   [4]

Q-5 (a) Compare the aggregation versus association.       [4]
       (b)  Draw and explain the state diagram of car transmission with generalization.     [4]


Q-5 (a) Compare functional and dynamic model for any of case study.    [4]
       (b) For following systems, identify the relative importance of the three aspects of modeling:    [4]
             (i) Object modeling     (ii) dynamic modeling  (iii) Functional modeling: 
             (a) Electronic typewriter
             (b) Spell Checker

Q-6 Attempt on any two:       [8]
(a)    Explain the various aspects of system design.
(b)   Impact of an object oriented approach.
(c)    Event generalization


OOADM - MCA Question Paper - 2001

Gujarat University

MCA  Semester V

Date: 11th August, 2000                Marks:50

Instructions:    1. Answer each section in separate answer-books.
                        2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.,
                        3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

Section I

Q-1 a) Write a Object Oriented Design & Modeling for Banking Application specifications given as below.[7]

i)                    Which should have support of opening and closing a Account.
ii)                  Debit & Credit Operation.
iii)                List of all accounts
iv)                To Query a Account by account number.
        b) Define the following:
            i) Role    ii) Sheet   iii) Module  iv) Qualifiers   v) Pattern   vi) Link           [6]

Q-2 Develop the class Diagram and Object Diagram of Library Management System which support the issue of book’s & periodicals to student & staff and also show the Two type’s of Associations.      [4]


Q-2  Distinguish the functional modeling from static object modeling.   [4]

Q-3 Attempt on any two:       [8]
i)                    Draw the scenario of examination process along with object’s message communication between the objects involved in examination process.
ii)                  Draw the state diagram for Elevator system.
iii)                Define the various type of Event’s along with sample examples.

Section II

Q-4 a) Differentiate between the two tier Client/Server and 3 tier Client/Server object style.  [4]

        b) How a typical Web-based client interacts with its Server on the object web. [5]

Q-5 a) Write a sample IDL for counting the number & Develop CORBA server for the implementing IDL.                                                                                                                                                                 [4]

       b) Develop RMI client for Displaying the real & Imaginary number from the result computed by complex RMI Server.    [4]


Q-5 a) Differentiate the Generic Servlet and HTTP Servlet. Show the ContentType setting from server side for Browser.  [4]
       b) Explain the ServletConfig & ServletContext object.      [4]

Q-6 Attempt any two:          [8]
1.      Compare the CGI programming with Servlet programming
2.      Explain the Anatomy of a Business Object in CORBA
3.      Discuss the various classes & Interfaces generated by IDL2JAVA complier.

OOADM - MCA Question Paper - 2002

Gujarat University

MCA Semester V


Saturday, 19th January, 2002                                              Total Marks: 50

1.      Write both Sections m separate answer books.
2.       Figure to the right indicate FULL Marks
3.      Use standard conventions
4.      For OO concepts and diagram use Rambaug symbol
5.      For UML symbol use standard UML standards


Q-1 a) Discuss the Generalization as Extension and Restriction, Explain the Overriding for Extension and Restriction with Example case study.  [4]
        b) Categorize following relations aggregation, or association with proper cardinality role and qualifier.                                                                                                                                                                                    [5]
i)                    Continent has countries
ii)                  A file is ordinary file or directory file or device file
iii)        File contain records
iv)       Document contain paragraph, paragraph contain words
v)        A Teacher teaches the subject a teacher can teach more one subjects
vi)       A PC can be attached to peripherals
       b) A Customer can give a order to any Distributor for purchasing the set of product. A Order can contain the Customer information, date of delivery information, product Hue information, and price to be selected for the product containing the discount or not in the product master file. Write a scenario for order entry process.   [5]

Q-2 a) Define tire Modeling. How does UML is used for Requirement study. What is the significance of Use case in Modeling? Write sample use case for the issuing the book to student by librarian     [4]
      b) Draw the sequence diagram for issuing the book to student by librarian along with the classes which are used in library system    [4]


Q-2 Discuss various UML diagrams for any one of following case study    [8]
(i)       FAS                  
(ii)      ACRES    
(iii)     ACPAYS 
(iv)             INMANS

Q-3   Attempt on ANY TWO                 [8]
(i)      How does the UML helps in Visualization and Specifying?
(ii)      How does mate and Events are correlated?, take case and explain it
  (iii)             Differentiate the Object model, dynamic model and functional mode and compare them.
 (iv)              Explain the Event trace for phone call    


Q-4  a) Discuss the Java to IDL standard. How does IDLization give platform independence.     [4]
        b) Write a procedure for generating standard CORBA Server Object and explain the various standard Java Classes generated during the CORBA program.    [5]

Q-5 a) Explain the various CORBA services.    [3]
 b) Write a RMI Object for Student data entry method for student as RMI object containing the student's no,name, marks details. And give a syntax for accessing the Student RMI object    [5]
Q-5 a) Explain the Servlet API for generic servlet and Http Servlet.    [4]
     b) What is the signification of ServletConfig and ServletContext.   [4]     

Q-6 Attempt On ANY TWO :        [8]
1.      Explain Socket ? and Discuss Java Sockets 101 and Berkeley Socket 101
2.      Draw the Client/server Scenario for HTTP Post data entry and Explain how HTML's form data are Processed  by POST method.
3.      Explain the RMI’s Dynamic stub loading.
4.      Explain the CORBA naming service.
5.      Explain the CORBA facilities.